About Vote.org - What is Vote.org?

Last updated on August 19, 2020

Vote.org uses technology to simplify political engagement, increase voter turnout, and strengthen American democracy.

We work to ensure that the electorate matches the population.

Vote.org is the largest 501(c)(3) nonprofit, nonpartisan voting registration and get-out-the-vote (GOTV) technology platform in America. It has registered more than 4.5 million new voters, verified 10.5 million voters’ registration status, and has helped over 39 million website users by providing registration links and deadlines, polling location details, and other essential voting information for each state. Vote.org also leverages its research-backed GOTV program each year, targeting underserved voters in regularly scheduled and special elections.

To turn out the vote among young people and people of color, Vote.org partners with corporations and other organizations in the civic space, including Gannett Media Group's USA Today, Vote Save America, and The Andrew Goodman Foundation. Vote.org has also launched exciting new partnerships in 2020 with The Webby Awards, NAACP Youth Coalition, GLSEN, wikiHow, and Young Entertainment Activists. Many of their corporate partners have signed on to Vote.org's Election Day campaign, launched in 2018, which commits them to giving their employees paid time off to vote on Election Day. To date, 500 companies have signed the pledge.

Vote.org was originally founded as Long Distance Voter (LDV), which served as a comprehensive online resource for absentee ballot information. LDV had 500,000 viewers within six months of its 2008 launch, and in 2014, it was the official source of data for Google's "How to Vote" project, which received over 30 million views.

In 2016, LDV rebranded itself as Vote.org, with funding and support from the Y Combinator. That fall, Vote.org ran its first-in-nation SMS peer-to-peer voter registration drive, and on Election Day 2016, Vote.org ran the single largest non-partisan SMS GOTV drive in America, providing polling location information to over 1 million low-propensity voters.

With the onslaught of the COVID-19 pandemic in America, Vote.org recently added a page to its website, offering regularly updated, state-by-state information for voters whose primaries have been postponed or otherwise delayed. As the pandemic creates new barriers to safe and fair elections, Vote.org is working to keep voters engaged in the democratic process and prevent misinformation from dissuading them from participating in the 2020 election.

Vote.org's mission is to use technology to simplify political engagement, increase voter turnout, and strengthen American democracy. With its new leadership team, led by CEO Andrea Hailey, Vote.org is on track to serve 12 times the number of people it served in 2018. The organization plans to turn out more than 5 million low-propensity voters in this fall's presidential election.