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The Fight Against Homelessness in California Is Just Beginning

New plans are promising, but they’re also just stopgap measures in confronting the West Coast’s burgeoning housing crisis.

Sasha Abramsky

Cultural Criticism and Analysis

Analysis Interminable: On Janet Malcolm

The insight and rigor of her writing changed the way we understood the work of psychoanalysis.

Hannah Gold
Social Justice

Domestic Workers Are Using the Gig Economy Against Itself

Domestic workers are taking advantage of the “disruptor” tech companies that are trying to redefine work to win labor protections.

Erica Smiley
Jails and Prisons

Building the Prison-to-College Pipeline

Securing a college education for the formerly incarcerated can break intergenerational cycles of poverty and crime.

David L. Kirp
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Lina Khan

Appointing Lina Khan May Be the Best Thing Joe Biden Has Done

Massive corporations have wielded extraordinary power over our economy for the past 40 years. That’s about to end. Why? Because there’s a new sheriff in town.

Morgan Harper and Zephyr Teachout
India Walton

A Socialist Claims a Historic Victory in Buffalo

“A well-meaning group of rebels and revolutionaries” just put a democratic socialist on track for the top job in a major American city.

John Nichols
Senators at a For the People Act press conference

Is Performative Progress the Best Democrats Can Do on Voting Rights?

So far, it seems like it. The apparent game plan requires patience, but that’s in short supply among progressives right now.

Joan Walsh


Democratic Republic of Congo

Do African Lives Matter?

The response of the outside world to the latest disaster in the Democratic Republic of Congo suggests the answer is no.

James North
Amazon in Palestine

Amazon’s Investments in Israel Reveal Complicity in Settlements and Military Operations

Before you click buy on Prime Day, consider Amazon’s role in terrorizing Palestinians.

Charmaine Chua, Jake Alimahomed-Wilson and Spencer Louis Potiker
Military special forces

In Honduras, US Efforts to Deter Migrants Add Danger, Costs

Critics warn that increasing militarization of the border here just means more bribe money, more corruption—and pushing more migrants into the arms of traffickers.

Jared Olson and Seth Berry


The  First Drag Queen Was a Former Slave

The First Drag Queen Was a Former Slave

Who fought for queer freedom a century before Stonewall.

Channing Gerard Joseph

Gay Pride Doesn’t Mean Gay Liberation

LGBTQ visibility is crucial, but it shouldn’t be confused with LGBTQ rights.

Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor

A Socialism of the Skin

Our suffering teaches us solidarity; or it should.

Tony Kushner


Aziz Ansari

The Unfinished Evolution of Aziz Ansari

With the latest season of Master of None, the comedian and director’s attempt at a reboot of his creative approach reveals the limits of his perspective.

Vikram Murthi

The Promise and Hubris of Silicon Valley’s Vision of How We Eat

A conversation with Larissa Zimberoff about the emergence of food start-ups, lab-made solutions, and the future of the American diet.

Naomi Elias
Janet Malcolm.

Janet Malcolm’s Provocations

Her writing cut through propriety and pretentiousness and revealed us for who we are: desiring creatures, complicated and simple at once.

Maggie Doherty

Watch and Listen

Listen: ‘Critical Race Theory’ at a Big Sports School

African American Studies department chair David Canton joins the show to talk sports, politics, and critical race theory

June 15, 2021

Listen: White Politics and Black History in Tulsa

David Perry on the Tulsa Race Massacre commemoration, plus Katha Pollitt on Jordan Peterson’s advice for men.

June 3, 2021

View: Mexico Could Soon Become the Largest Legal Marijuana Market in the World

But activists say the law fails to address the widespread pain that decades of militarized enforcement have caused.

February 25, 2021