'A nation of upgraders and improvers': The Australian renovation frenzy

Sue Williams|May 28, 2021
Australian's are spending record amounts on renovations according to the Housing Industry Association. COVID-19 travel bans coupled with generous government stimulus are undoubtedly fuelling the frenzy.
Home Loans
'A nation of upgraders and improvers': The Australian renovation frenzy

RBA holds cash rate at 0.1 per cent as inflation inches up

Sue Williams|May 4, 2021
The official interest rate remains on hold despite inflation speculation dominating global markets, but some big banks have already started increasing rates for fixed loans.
RBA holds cash rate at 0.1 per cent as inflation inches up

Money tricks to turbocharge your savings and boost your buying power

Daniel Butkovich|Apr 28, 2021
With buyers bidding with more money than ever, having extra cash to spend could mean the difference between securing your dream property or missing out.
Money tricks to turbocharge your savings and boost your buying power

Refinance, upgrade or both? What to do while rates are still low

Daniel Butkovich|May 6, 2021
A booming market makes upgrading challenging, but buying a bigger and better home isn't the only thing owners can do to take advantage of current conditions.
Refinance, upgrade or both? What to do while rates are still low

What you should and shouldn't pay attention to when buying insurance 

Kate Farrelly|Apr 12, 2021
When it comes to purchasing home insurance, beyond decoding the fine print we have the added layer of navigating awards, ratings and a seemingly endless stream of discounts. How can consumers tell the different between clever marketing tactics and genuine value?
What you should and shouldn't pay attention to when buying insurance 

'Steady as she goes': RBA resists calls to cool red-hot market

Sue Williams|Apr 6, 2021
Despite the most rapid surge in home prices in 32 years, the Reserve Bank of Australia will hold the official interest rate at its record low.
'Steady as she goes': RBA resists calls to cool red-hot market

What could slow down surging property prices?

Daniel Butkovich|Mar 19, 2021
A booming market fuelled by rock-bottom interest rates has caught both first-timers and upsizers off guard, but experts say buyers waiting for a dip may end up disappointed.
What could slow down surging property prices?

How home owners, buyers and investors can predict the future

Daniel Butkovich|Mar 18, 2021
We're constantly warned that past performance is not a reliable indicator of future returns, but when it comes to guessing where the property market will go next, there are clues to look for.
How home owners, buyers and investors can predict the future

Even more fuel set to be added to the house price fire as loan change looms

Elizabeth Redman|Mar 15, 2021
Property prices are soaring and a new change could make it even quicker and easier to get a home loan, prompting expert warnings of risk to borrowers and further price rises.
Even more fuel set to be added to the house price fire as loan change looms

Is lenders mortgage insurance really that bad?

Kate Farrelly|Mar 16, 2021
It has an almost evil reputation and many borrowers will move heaven and earth to avoid paying it, but there may be situations where buyers can use it to their advantage.
Is lenders mortgage insurance really that bad?
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