Socialist Worker

Anti-racists demand Tory MP Drax hands back family’s old slave plantation to people of Barbados

Anti-racists in Dorset have told their Tory MP—whose family fortune comes from the slave trade—that “it’s time” for justice.

NHS workers speak out—Tory Harding wants racist health service

How dare Dido Harding, the would-be boss of the NHS, attack tens of thousands of “foreign” health workers working in Britain?
Bomb inquiry falls short

Bomb inquiry falls short

Who could have stopped the Manchester Arena bombing in 2017? According to the official inquiry, it was two low paid teenage stewards. Sir John Saunders, chair of the public inquiry into the bombing, said there were “serious shortcomings” and missed opportunities to prevent the attack.
US drives up pressure on Iran after election

US drives up pressure on Iran after election

Iran’s presidential election has the US and Israel rallying their allies in the Middle East, reports Nick Clark


Covid has stirred up the labour market

The general agitation about inflation continues among the bosses

Biden tries to pull Russia into his battle with China

Presidents Putin and Biden met last week for a summit. Socialist Worker investigates what the outcome means for imperialism

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