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River City


  • Stevie Reveals All

    Amy Thurgood

    In an exclusive interview, Stevie Burns reveals his techniques that have made him into something of a Casanova in Shieldinch.  In his new book ‘Stevie Burns – A Way With The Lassies’, he shares some of his top tips for romancing the ladies this Valentine’s Day.


    Ask them about their dreams

    Ladies love this. I would suggest getting one of those book-thingys – it’ll pretty much tell you everything you need to know about what they mean.  Some of ‘em are weird, like being in love with your mother and stuff (NEVER go with that explanation, as I learned to my cost – another story) but keep it clean, look deep and meaningfully into their eyes and the lassies will be pure melting…


    Laugh at their jokes  (especially the ones where they question your manhood)

    Laughter is the best medicine – so why not sweeten up your potential lady with a hearty dose of the funnies! Now I’m naturally hilarious, so it comes easy to me. But if you’re needing some inspiration, why not start with simply repeating back…

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  • Exclusive River City Webchat - Calling All Stevie and Stella Fans!

    Amy Thurgood


    This is a Ferrero Rocher pyramid of an announcement -  we are really spoiling you! This week we have not one but TWO River City stars coming to a webchat near you!


    Actors Keira Lucchesi (Stella) and Paul James Corrigan (Stevie) will be online straight after tomorrow night’s episode to answer all your questions about their current storyline.


    Keira and PJ will be live online at 9pm, so join the chat right here on the River City website and on BBC Scotland’s Facebook and Twitter using #askRiverCity.  


    And don’t forget this week’s episode at 8pm on Tuesday – it’s a belter!

  • The Secret Diary of Stuart George Henderson, Aged (almost) 2 ¼

    Amy Thurgood

    I’m excited today to have something to fill up the pages of this bad-boy diary. Normally I’m just mooching around, playing with my toys, filling my nappies. Occasionally I go crazy and throw a juice box across Auntie Gina’s kitchen, but hey, I’m just a guy that lives on the edge.


    I had no idea when morning came that yesterday would be like no other. Woke up normal time, went to nursery as usual. Did some bad-ass paintings, and used all the green glitter before Freddy got his hands on it. Ha, in your face Macdonald. That’ll teach you for stealing my biscuit at break time.  


    It comes round to home time. Had a date with Charlotte (hot chick, sits on the Blue Table); I’d planned ahead and was wearing my best keks – she wouldn’t have much chance at resisting my boyish charms. Whilst I was scrubbing the last of the green glitter off my hands, Dad arrived, backpack in hand. Good, I thought. There’s sure to be a dairylea triangle or two in there. There better be, or someone’s getting the full…

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  • Today is a Good Day for a Sexy Fun Run

    Morven Reid


    Well, who would have thunk it? Attention, Everyone! Can I have you attention please? Dreich sport events in January apparently equal romantic shenanigans in Shieldinch! Need to spice up that love life? Throw on a pair of thermal jogging shorts and pull out that plastic poncho. It was getting everyone hot and bothered from high-kicking Octogenarians to twenty-something bartenders! Honestly, they…

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    Amy Thurgood


    Well, City-ites, it’s been a while. But though we might have been AWOL, the fireworks in Shieldinch never stop! Over the festive season, we pushed Scarlett into a Christmas tree, exposed Nicole as an evil cyber-bully and pushed Will even further to the dark side with some help from that little devil Edward. Oh, and don’t forget Randolph the Dog. Who could have asked for more?


    Well…us! We saved…

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  • It's Judgement Day

    Morven Reid

    Tagged with:

    Tonight’s the big night, Shieldinch Fans!

    It's a New Year and a fresh fight. After weeks of sneakiness, Eileen and Raymond are finally forced to come face to face and have their day in court. No more tricks, private investigators or scrabble heart attacks, it's time for them to face the music! 

    Come back to the River City website after tonight's episode to vote on who has your support and who has got you chomping at the bite. Live tweet whether you're #teameileen or #teamraymond and vote by following @bbcscotland

  • The Vote is On

    Amy Thurgood

    It’s that time again Shieldinchers!


    Love’s Dream Couple Raymond and Eileen are back at each other’s throats in tonight’s episode as their feud escalates. It’s so sad that they can’t seem to work things out, even for the sake of wee Stuart, who’s caught in their crossfire.


    Tonight’s episode promises to be an even more stressful time for both parties and their battles start becoming ‘official’. After the episode, our vote will open again to get your thoughts on the action and find out once again:




    Come back to following tonight’s episode…

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  • An Officer and an (almost) Gentleman

    Amy Thurgood


    We want to make a confession. We’re hiding a deep dark secret.


    That’s right. Here at RC Towers, there’s been something playing on our minds for a while now.  You see, we’ve got a thing for policemen.


    Now you all know how we feel about Deliciously Cute Cooper. But there’s another copper on the block who we’re getting strange tingly feelings for. Yes City-ites, we’ve got a crush on a certain DCI.…

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  • Fight! Fight! Fight!

    Amy Thurgood


    Wowsers! It seems you guys love some emotional fisticuffs! 


    It's been a brilliant response to the vote and lovely to see all of you guys tweeting and facebooking about our Team Eileen vs Team Raymond debate. Keep it up!  We particularly loved the idea of getting #teameileen and #teamraymond to trend....let's do it!


    Now, in true Strictly style (I've always wanted to say this!), the votes have…

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  • Eileen Vs Raymond – The Vote is On!

    Amy Thurgood

    Ahhh love. It’s a complicated thing.

     Think of the world’s great couples. Barbie and Ken. Justin and Britney. Henry VIII and…all his wives. What do they all have in common? They didn’t last.


    Oh, we forgot one more famous pairing. Shieldinch’s favourite pub landlord and his good lady of many years – Raymondo and Eileen.


    Now these two haven’t been ‘together-together’ for a while now, but with all…

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