IMAGINE Autumn 2020

27th November 2020 Read More

New journal ‘World Socialist’

1st November 2020

The World Socialist Party of the United States is excited to announce the first issue of its new quarterly journal, World Socialist. It contains articles on the coronavirus pandemic, the Black Lives Matter protests, the US–China confrontation, the presidential election, ‘human nature,’ the Wall Street bombing of 1920, revolution in ancient Anatolia, ‘How I became a […]

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After shipwreck

13th May 2020

William Golding’s novel Lord of the Flies describes how boys marooned on a deserted island descend into ‘savagery.’ But here is a true story of real boys in the same situation who behaved quite differently.

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Mind your own business, Mr. Goodman!

11th April 2020

Ventilators at a hospital have defective valves. A helpful neighbor replaces the valves and saves at least ten lives. For doing so he is at risk of being sued. Why?

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Homelessness in North America

3rd April 2020

Canada and the United States are supposedly among the world’s wealthiest countries. Yet many people in those countries are homeless, while at the same time many homes are left empty.

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River Silence

7th January 2020

40,000 indigenous people have been forced off their land along the Xingu River in order to build a dam. Who gives a damn?

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War with Iran? Teetering on the brink

4th January 2020

Strictly speaking, the United States is already at war with Iran. By the rules of international law, the drone attack that killed General Soleimani and other high-ranking figures was an act of war. Iran will now retaliate against an American asset. How long can this crazy game of tit for tat go on without triggering […]

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Fire on 9th Street

29th December 2019

A lethal fire at an apartment block in a poor neighborhood of Las Vegas was in the news recently. An accident or a predictable result of the business of letting housing accommodation for profit?

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End a Divided World

17th May 2021

As wage workers, the vast majority of us have endless economic problems to worry about — pay and prices, rents and mortgages, sickness, unemployment, old age. Even more worrisome can seem the large and perhaps overwhelming problems facing us as human beings: war, poverty and the compulsive destruction of our own planet. There are numerous […]

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No to Nationalistic Nonsense

10th May 2021

“The revolutionary proletariat will have neither to keep its ancient nationalities nor to constitute new ones, because by becoming free it will abolish classes: the world will be its fatherland.” – Paul Lafargue Socialist history show that the ideals behind it has never fully left the consciousness of working people. We continue to suffer exploitation, in the workplace […]

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2021 May Day Statement

1st May 2021

Once again we celebrate May Day, the international festival of the working class. These May Day celebrations are small in comparison to the great numbers and strength of our class. But throughout the world, in every major industrial centre, workers are uniting. Today is our day, the day when the solidarity of the working people is expressed […]

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A Ray of Socialist Hope

26th April 2021

The World Socialist Movement (WSM) was founded to strive for a better world with an economy based on common ownership. Today, however, socialism has  been equated with state wage-slavery. The absence of private companies or individual capitalists, being substituted by government ownership or control, is now viewed as “socialism”.  The term “socialism” has long been associated with the USSR and although it was never socialist, we keep on […]

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The Hope of Humanity

19th April 2021

“The basic law of capitalism is you or I, not you and I.” Karl Liebknecht Whoever travels across the world can see the magnificence of its beauty and will also encounter its bountiful natural resources in sufficient abundance to adequately supply the needs of all. It could be a paradise for people. But our planet is not a paradise for the […]

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One World, One Humanity

11th April 2021

Society cannot exist without the working-class. It is the working-class which puts into operation the world’s formidable know-how and technology. Yet the riches collectively produced are appropriated by individual capitalists. Socialism is not a reform, it is a revolution. We are not reformers — we are revolutionaries.We mean by revolutionary the capture of political power by the working class as […]

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5th April 2021

The World Socialist Movement, like Marx and Engels, use the names “communism” and “socialism” to mean the same relation of production. Marx and Engels had used the two names alternately to signify the post-revolutionary democratic world system of “cooperative”, “communal”, or universal ownership. Why they preferred communist identity at the beginning of their studies and organization whilst socialist at the end remains well stated in […]

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One Humanity. A World Without Borders

29th March 2021

We live on a planet which has the potential to adequately feed, house and provide clean water and decent medical care for every single man, woman and child.  The resources exist to banish poverty and squalor forever. World socialism could end hunger immediately, and provide the conditions for material security for all within a very short time. Our capabilities are […]

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We Are The World Socialist Movement

22nd March 2021

Month after month, year after year, our fellow-workers appear to be satisfied with the capitalist system — or perhaps too apathetic —to want to put an end to it. They seem to look with an almost fatalistic resignation upon its continuance, despite  having to suffer the anxieties and indignities of that system. Workers feel powerless to deal with the vital questions […]

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Lest We Forget

15th March 2021

We cannot let March pass away without a reference to an event of great significance in the history of the working class movement. 2021’s March has some important dates in socialist history. In Germany it is the 150th anniversary of the birth of Rosa Luxemburg and a hundred years since the abortive March Action by the Communist […]

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