Vaccine hesitancy horse has bolted. We need a powerful campaign.

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Vaccine hesitancy horse has bolted. We need a powerful campaign.

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Currently, the government communication surrounding COVID-19 vaccination typically uses a credible character talking earnestly to camera, and posters and print ads that play it safe. This is unlikely to do anything other than simply inform.

Informing is not enough. We need high emotion, designed to trigger action. We need advertising to reinstate the sense of collective that we mastered last year. We were “all in this together” at the beginning of COVID-19 and we need to be “all in this together” in order to end it. We need to be ready to mobilise in droves, as soon as our major vaccine supply issues are overcome.

Deputy Chief Medical Officer Nick Coatsworth, who features in one of the government vaccine ads.

Deputy Chief Medical Officer Nick Coatsworth, who features in one of the government vaccine ads.Credit:Getty Images

Australia’s recently reconfirmed AAA credit rating has made me think for some time there is an opportunity for Australia to build our country brand based on the idea that our nation is AAA. We have AAA beaches, AAA food and wine, AAA economy, AAA democracy, AAA legal system, AAA resources, AAA institutions, generally an AAA life.

Plus, due to our handling of the virus during 2020, this reinforced to the world the notion that Australia really is an AAA place to be. The world looked on enviously and ex-pats decided that perhaps it really was time to come home. But, how we deal with COVID-19 in 2021 will determine whether this AAA opportunity is real.

At the moment, I fear our slogan could be “Australia, a Fool’s Paradise”. Where we are all in a state of happiness – blissfully unaware of, and probably denying, the existence of potential trouble. This blind optimism is even embedded in our vernacular – “she’ll be right” after all.

Clearly, getting Australia vaccinated is far more complex than simply running an advertising campaign. Having said that, communication is everything and we have thus far failed to get it right. Our silence has meant that any negative vaccination commentary, or indeed negative facts around vaccination, have been able to land a far more significant blow on vaccination rates than should have been the case.

Google tells me vaccines have been responsible for the control or eradication of polio, tetanus, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, rubella, measles, whooping cough, diphtheria, rotavirus and … the mumps. Twelve months ago, the foundations for the vaccine campaign should have been designed around shaping our trust in humanity’s scientific triumphs. A confidence-building message centred around “we have done this before, we will do it again”. Failing to remind us all of this genius was mistake number one. A “vaccines are coming” campaign that used the supporting facts of the historic skill and capability to deal with such diseases would definitely have assisted in vaccine take-up and would have marginalised any anti-vaccine sentiment.

Our vaccination hesitancy is third highest in the world. As a result, people within the advertising industry and in the broader marketing and communications field have been asking – with increasing volume – “where’s the vaccination campaign?!” “Have you seen the most recent vaccination ads, they’re not going to work are they?!” Indeed, “why can’t we do a vaccination campaign like New Zealand, like France, like Singapore – or even like China’s Szechuan Province, who used a rap song to inspire vaccination uptake?”


Recently I suggested that we might need a campaign that scares people into action. This was a surprise to some, as this goes against a general philosophy I have in advertising. The idea of government acting as strict parent and the citizen as naughty child in communication has always irked me. Positive adult-to-adult communication has always been my view on where great comms lie. However, it would appear that Australians do not act unless they are scared into it (the AIDS Grim Reaper campaign is often cited as a national health campaign gold standard). It seems we happily act as a collective when faced with fear.

But it is not just the message we need to get right. The ‘media weight’ – the amount of money spent on vaccination advertising campaigns, needs to be reassessed. There is a rule, of sorts, that for every negative comment you need seven positive comments. This is the fundamental role that advertising plays. Advertising is the positive impact that you invest in, in order to negate that one negative comment. It is a simple 7:1 equation.

We need a powerful message that reaches all Australians.

We need a powerful message that reaches all Australians.Credit:Eddie Jim.

If we think about this in terms of budget, the media weight of negative vaccine commentary would be in the many millions. We know the COVID-19 vaccination campaign allocation is $40 million, the PM said as much on 3AW breakfast radio, and the belief is that $5 million of the $40 million has currently been spent.

To make the maths easier, let’s imagine that $7 million has already been spent. So, that $7 million will equate to negating $1 million worth of negative commentary. It would be safe to say that negative media reporting and vaccination commentary, if given a value, would exceed $1 million. The budget allocation is underweight, and the scales are not tipped in our favour. Plus, the economic cost of a lockdown should make a larger advertising spend easier to digest and understood to be entirely affordable.


We weren’t primed with positive advertising on vaccination, so the negative storyline and lack of media weight allowed distrust and complacency to proliferate. We need a powerful message that reaches all Australians. The good news is, given that Pfizer supplies will not be at significant levels until the second half of the year, there is time to get the next round of advertising right for the under 60s. And hopefully, when we reach that time, fear isn’t required and we can rally as a collective around an inspirational “we are one” message.

Russel Howcroft is a host of 3AW Breakfast and partner/brand adviser at Sayers Group.

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