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Silencing transgender conversation leads us nowhere

Silencing transgender conversation leads us nowhere

While neither side in this debate is motivated by malice, the tone is nasty because the fight has an existential character: both parties rightly see themselves as victims of patriarchal violence, and both feel as if their safety, and very identity, is at stake.

  • by Julie Szego


‘Forced out by cancel culture’: Tudge condemns Vaile’s exit as Newcastle Uni chancellor

‘Forced out by cancel culture’: Tudge condemns Vaile’s exit as Newcastle Uni chancellor

But senior Newcastle University academics say there was widespread unhappiness among staff at Mr Vaile’s appointment due to his chairmanship of Whitehaven Coal.

  • by Lisa Visentin
Mark Vaile quits Newcastle University chancellor role amid backlash over coal links

Mark Vaile quits Newcastle University chancellor role amid backlash over coal links

The former Nationals leader’s appointment as chancellor was met with significant backlash from staff, students and potential donors.

  • by Lisa Visentin
‘Netflix’ degrees and robot teachers: How big tech could shape WA universities

‘Netflix’ degrees and robot teachers: How big tech could shape WA universities

Welcome to Western Australia’s campuses of the future, if American communications giant Cisco and dwindling Commonwealth funding has anything to do with it.

  • by Aja Styles
‘It’s a dying uni’: Two WA universities, one student movement, differing results

‘It’s a dying uni’: Two WA universities, one student movement, differing results

The Curtin University guild has become a lone voice standing up to how some of the state’s higher education institutes have set a path to do away with traditional face-to-face lectures permanently and alter the course of higher education forever.

  • by Aja Styles
Transgender debate a free speech stress test for Melbourne University
Graphic content

Transgender debate a free speech stress test for Melbourne University

It was the first week back on campus for students at Melbourne University in 2021, and a hateful slogan had just been scrawled on a window of the arts building.

  • by Adam Carey
University head says free speech does not override transgender safety

University head says free speech does not override transgender safety

The University of Melbourne is considering a gender affirmation policy that would prohibit public events or speech that could harm transgender people.

  • by Adam Carey
Without my students, I wouldn’t have got where I am today

Without my students, I wouldn’t have got where I am today

Former national handball player and professor of neuroscience Gilles Guillemin was nominated by a patient for his Order of Australia honour.

  • by Sean Naden
Treasurer’s message to unis: Get local students back on campus

Treasurer’s message to unis: Get local students back on campus

NSW Treasurer Dominic Perrottet wants university bosses to explain how they will get more local students back into the classroom as the sector prepares for the long-awaited return of international students.

  • by Lucy Cormack and Jordan Baker
NSW shows how to start the journey of the great reopening

NSW shows how to start the journey of the great reopening

A NSW pilot quarantine program to let in more international students contrasts with the federal government’s lack of urgency.

  • The Herald's View
Vice-chancellors’ pay cut as NSW universities feel heat over salaries

Vice-chancellors’ pay cut as NSW universities feel heat over salaries

Some universities are paying their new vice-chancellors less than their old ones while others are taking a pay cut, amid controversy over university bosses’ high salaries

  • by Jordan Baker