At Conservative Conclave, Radical Cultists Circulate 7-Point Plan to Overturn US Government ‘in Days, Not Years’

At the the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Dallas this weekend, members of a cult identified as Patriots Soar circulated a hare-brained, seven-point plan for overturning the US government by impeaching Pres. Biden and Vice Pres. Harris and installing the disgraced ex-president in the White House.

Its premise is utter nonsense and the plan could be dismissed as nothing more than sop intended to energize the base, which it is – if the Q-inspired right-wing base weren’t already radicalized, armed and dangerous, as they displayed when they invaded the U.S. Capitol intending to kidnap and kill members of Congress as well as the US vice president.

Here’s an overview of the plan from the Independent:

Step one of the plan is to “pull back the curtain on the horror show that is today’s ‘Democrat Party’. Watch Pelosi melt, like the Wicked Witch of the West. See the Black Caucus and other key groups flip, unexpectedly, and watch the tables turn”.


Trump Cult Pastor Inadvertently Claims Melania’s Slotted Eyes Means She’s Possessed by Demonic ‘Serpent Spirt’

Melania Trump’s allegedly demon-possessed serpent-like eyes

A Trump-worshipping self-described “prophet” declared to his YouTube congregants in late June that that people with “slotted eyes” are possessed by Satan in his guise as the serpent who tempted Adam and Eve.

“[If] you’ll look at the eyes, you’ll notice they’re serpent’s pupils, their slotted pupils… that slotted serpent’s eye,” Robin Bullock said in his “The Eleventh Hour” cult service on June 23, 2013. “It’s because we’re back at that place where Satan is trying to offer the world that their eyes may be open, but it’s not King James anymore—it’s woke.”


It’s Not Your Imagination — All the News is About Republicans

CNN just can’t quit Trump

If you’ve been feeling like all you hear about night and day — not just on the Sunday shows but ALL THE TIME — is Republicans…well, you’re not wrong.

Even if it’s to point out the problems springing forth from the GOP/Trump side of the world, the mainstream media can’t tear its focus from what Republicans say, do, think, eat, drink, etc., ad nauseam.

That Biden and Harris are of the no-drama Obama tradition is no excuse. There are other stories to cover beyond what Trump and his followers will or will not do in the next election (or even the August “reinstatement”). The press hanging on Trump’s every word and deed is part of what got him as our president for four years. And we all know how that worked out.

Let’s say we’ve learned something since 2016 and not keep repeating the mistakes that we’re still trying to repair.

Q Fascists Take Their Anti-Democracy Campaign into Down Ticket Elections

A capture from the Twitter feed of a Q fascist candidate for Congress
A capture from the Twitter feed of a Q fascist candidate for Congress

Legit media outlets are tracking the rise of Q-supporting fascists who are running for office in local, state and congressional elections. It appears to be an alarming trend:

Time Magazine reports on candidates in local elections:

“The long-term impacts are really dangerous,” says Jared Holt, a disinformation researcher at the Atlantic Council. “We’re supposed to have our leaders make decisions based on shared sets of facts. If we decide that for elected officials to believe in an outlandish byzantine conspiracy theory like QAnon is O.K., then the door is effectively left open for that shared sense of understanding to further erode.”

Here are a few fascist-movement politicians the magazine found who are currently in office:


Q Fascists Hold Conclave in Dallas, Call for Military Coup against US

Logo for Fascist Q Conclave in Dallas, May 2021
Logo for Fascist Q Con in Dallas, May 2021

Low income advocates of American fascism were priced out of the Q conference in Dallas over the Memorial Day weekend. Branded “For God & Country: Patriot Roundup,” tickets for the conference cost between $500 and $1,000. Q kitsch such as baseball bats and blankets sold at auction for $1,000 and up.

The Q con was held at the Omni Hotel, which is owned by the city of Dallas.

The un-democratic ticket prices did not escape critics of the Q anti-democracy conference. Outside the venue, a Q cultist who apparently couldn’t afford the ticket price complained to a Dallas Observer reporter.

“I don’t know,” he said. “You have to pay for passes. That’s not for the people. We’re for the people. That’s just one of the big things that they’re failing to see and God’s really making that apparent.”

The lowlight of the weekend was a statement by retired general and convicted felon Michael Flynn, who said he agreed that there should be a military coup against the United States government.


A Third of Capitol Riot Suspects Donated to Trump — AFTER He Lost


We know they were punk patriots, but now we also know that a good portion of the insurrectionists who stormed the U.S. Capitol Jan. 6 were gullible patsies, too. It turns out that 90 of the 311 people indicted on charges for their acts that day contributed to Donald Trump, the Republican National Committee or a Trump-related PAC after the Grifter-In-Chief became an ex-president, reported NBC News.

We know that a number of the rioters were out to overturn an election they didn’t even vote in, but finding out that many contributed to the $207.5 million Trump and related entities collected in the weeks after the electionputs the events of Jan. 6 in a whole new light.