I’ve tried and failed to find a sales assistant at DJs Bondi Junction, I doubt COVID will do better

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I’ve tried and failed to find a sales assistant at DJs Bondi Junction, I doubt COVID will do better

After a COVID scare in my local department store, I wrote this tweet: “Am quite sure no staff from David Jones Bondi Junction will catch COVID because COVID would have to find them first and let me tell you, I’ve tried and failed.”

I love David Jones and Myer, but they aren’t what they used to be. And I know, because I worked at Myer back in the 80s, when it was still Grace Bros. I worked in Men’s Formal Hire, renting tuxedos to men and boys. As a mere 15-year-old girl, I would have to touch grown men, holding a tape measure across their arms and legs. “Can you hold it against your inside leg?” I’d ask.

Westfield Bondi Junction has become a site of concern during this latest COVID outbreak.

Westfield Bondi Junction has become a site of concern during this latest COVID outbreak.Credit:Wolter Peeters

“Hold it there for me yourself, will you love?” they’d guffaw. Every single one of them.

To add insult to injury, I wasn’t “register trained”, as the staff called it. I was allowed to touch customers, but I wasn’t allowed to touch money. I was effectively a human measuring tape, just one tiny figure among scores of hectic Grace Bros sales assistants in a frantically busy store.

In the early 2000s, my local shopping centre changed. Westfield descended on Bondi Junction, like a Hollywood celebrity, or perhaps God himself. Suddenly, there were dozens of shops and cafes in a dazzling six-storey building. Grace Bros became Myer, and Myer became just one store in the massive Westfield complex, and we customers had a wonderland of choice.

At the same time, the internet started to flourish, and – just like magic – you could buy stuff on a website! Department stores like Myer and David Jones became places to try on clothes before you found them more cheaply online.

How could any department store survive in the age of online shopping? How could a department store compete with fast fashion and chain stores and T-shirts that cost a few dollars? More importantly, how could a department store sell anything at all when they’ve offloaded all their staff?

No longer are the department stores the bustling centres they used to be. I used to walk through David Jones and Grace Bros for stimulation and fun. Now, I only go there for quiet contemplation. Because, let me tell you: department stores are quiet. Where there were staff members busily serving customers, there is now an eerie apocalyptic silence. I walk past abandoned rows of clothing and deserted racks of shoes and empty cashier stations and change rooms with no attendants.


And god help me if I find something I want to buy. Because then, I need to hunt down an assistant, and this can be stressful and exhausting. I see a rustle of a skirt in the distance, and perhaps the glimpse of a name badge, but when I run towards them, I can see it’s just another shopper on their phone. I spot a register, but clearly no one is trained, because it stands there, still and silent, as still and silent as my wallet, because no-one will take my money.


If I do manage to find a sales assistant, they are helpful and considerate, if perhaps a little stressed. But I have left items of clothing on the counter because I couldn’t muster up energy for the chase. I have also – shamefully! – contemplated just walking out with my goods, after losing hope of ever finding a cashier. I have never shoplifted in my life (other than noticing a loose tomato in my trolley after a trip to Coles) but when you see a great top and you’ve clutched it to your chest for twenty minutes, it’s very sad to have to leave the store without it.

Still, all is not lost. David Jones and Myer may not be the bustling hives of retail they once were, but they are excellent places to come for a meditative walk. Just try not to notice any great pieces of clothing. It will only end in frustration.

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