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  • Financing the EU Green Deal - Policy Breakfast Series

    June 16, 2021

    Webinar, Wednesdays 16 and 23 June 2021, 08:45 - 09:30 CET

    A vast amount of money will be needed to finance the transition to a climate-neutral and circular economy whilst investment in polluting infrastructure will have to cease.

    What ‘rules of the game’ need to change in order to redirect private capital flows in support of our long-term societal objectives? What is the role of central banks and other supervisory authorities in managing the transition? How should public revenues and expenditures be revisited to achieve a real fair society?

    These are in essence the questions that FEPS would like to address in this Policy Breakfast series on Financing the EU Green Deal. Each meeting will consist of a policy presentation, followed by a discussion with experts and policymakers; to which you are invited to contribute.

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  • Reclaiming Democracy: FEPS-FMS Training Videos (Part 2/2)

    June 16, 2021

    Online launch event, Wednesday, 16 June 2021, 15:00-15:30 CET

    The Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS) and the Foundation Max van der Stoel are launching six FEPS-FMS training videos from the Reclaiming Democracy project live on Facebook! The first three videos were presented last Wednesday. Today the last three videos will be screened and discussed.

    The videos are about assessing the strength and position of political organisations, main campaign building blocks, and negotiating. Milos Djajic and Arjen Berkvens will present and discuss the use and benefit of each video.

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  • Let me say this... Video #4 - EU Integration

    June 17, 2021

    Friday, 17 June 2021, 13:00 – 13:30 CET

    The Let me say this project is about storytelling. Progressive activists and change-makers all over the world backed by the network of FEPS and Foundation Max Van der Stoel will be featured in a monthly video and live 30 minutes interview.

    Tune in to listen and be inspired by personal stories and struggles of progress, of actions that intend to bring about a more equal and just society. Follow the Let me say this project to be confronted with a different way of seeing how change can be brought about and how social-democratic activists are in the forefront of a different type of politics, on the lead of topical issues, across countries and generations.

    Previous events & videos:



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all publications
  • A European wealth tax for a fair and green recovery

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  • Progressive Yearbook 2021

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  • Notice of vacancy: FEPS is recruiting a Policy Analyst on Climate and Environment

    May 12, 2021
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  • Joint Progressive Call for the right to housing

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call to europe

Since its first edition in 2011, Call to Europe has become the signature conference of FEPS and a reference point for the progressive family in Europe. This is due to its capacity of bringing together a unique multi-stakeholder community of progressive politicians, civil society and media to discuss issues of common concern and develop concrete and positive responses to contemporary European challenges in the most interactive and inclusive way.

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United for

FEPS UNited for… conferences, have been held since 2018 in New York ahead of the United Nations General Assembly. The main objective of this yearly initiative is to discuss, with international high level policymakers, experts and academics, the most important international issues at stake. The 2020 edition will explore how to achieve a new, fair and inclusive multilateralism. Previous editions have focused on migration and climate justice.
In 2019, FEPS was honoured to be granted Special Consultative Status to the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), the highest status granted by the UN to non-governmental organisations, thus allowing it to participate in the work of the UN.

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It took a pandemic to realise that we depend on care. Despite the clapping, women 70% of the care workforce, continue to work in precarious conditions, unpaid or not paid at all! It's time to#Care4Care

FEPS together with its member foundations, has been intensively working since November 2019 to monitor the EU gender equality policy agenda through a progressive lens focusing particularly on its care dimensions.

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Child Union

Even before the pandemic, 23 million children in the EU were at risk of poverty and social exclusion. The pandemic has further exacerbated children inequality and it is now time for the European Union to act. On the occasion of the World Children’s Day more than 300 prominent figures from the world of politics, academia and civil society joined a Call to demand a rapid entry into force of the European Child Guarantee and a > Next Generation EU funding that truly works for Europe’s next generations.
Find out more about the Project ‘Towards a Child Union’ launched by FEPS and its member foundations.

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Gender Based Violence

FEPS and the Fondation Jean Jaurès have joined forces to publish a series of publications to shed light on specific dimensions of gender-based violence.
1 in 3 women have suffered physical or sexual violence at least once in their lifetime (according to UN Women and WHO). Gender-based violence is both the cause and result of gender inequality. This scourge has been severely exacerbated due to the COVID-19 pandemic leading to a dangerous surge of a longstanding and deeply rooted problem.

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