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Teleworking in the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic

Policy implications Policymakers should address the risk of the gradual disappearance of the physical workplace, and with it of the notion of choice in relation to remote working. As segments of the workforce return to the workplace, employers should ensure the continuity of countermeasures to buffer isolation. It will be essential for employers to... Find out more

Holy union?

The economic and social crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic in Europe and around the world is without precedent since World War II if not before. With more than 40 million known cases in Europe in one year, and over 900 000 deaths (March 2020 to March 2021), governments have stepped up their emergency measures to contain the spread of the... Find out more

Pierre Bérastégui, Stan De Spiegelaere, Christophe Degryse, ...

Benchmarking Working Europe 2020

→ A virus is haunting Europe. And it could strike again. This year’s 20th anniversary issue of our flagship publication Benchmarking Working Europe brings to a growing audience of trade unionists, industrial relations specialists and policymakers a simple warning: beside SARS-CoV-2, the virus that has caused the Covid-19... Find out more

Valeria Pulignano, Markieta Domecka, Karol Muszyński, ...

Creative labour in the era of Covid-19

This working paper identifies some key areas of policy intervention for advancing socially sustainable and fair solutions for freelancers working in the creative industries, who are among those have suffered the most from the economic fallout of the Covid-19 pandemic. In particular, the authors focus on those who work entirely on their own account... Find out more

Slavina Spasova, Dalila Ghailani, Sebastiano Sabato, ...

Non-standard workers and the self-employed in the EU

The lockdown and other restrictive measures introduced during the Covid-19 pandemic and the ensuing economic recession have had a strong impact on labour markets worldwide. As far as the European Union (EU) is concerned, the accelerated fall in total employment was the ‘sharpest decline ever observed over two successive quarters since 1995’... Find out more

Workers in the food chain

The next time you see an attractively packaged food product in a supermarket or an advertisement, take a moment to think about all the links in the chain that that product passed through to get to you. To help stimulate the thought process, this special report offers you an insight into the daily lives of the food chain workers, who are sometimes... Find out more

Quality jobs as well as jabs

Policy implications Tackling precarious work is essential for a fair Covid‑19 recovery and healthier future of work. The Covid‑19 crisis is worsening existing inequalities in the world of work. The European Commission should embed the principle of equity into the country‑specific recommendations of the European Semester, with a view to allocating... Find out more

Hannah Johnston, Alina Caia, Michael ‘Six’ Silberman, ...

Working on digital labour platforms

The present material serves to raise awareness on the reality of platform work among national trade union organizations. The ETUI initiative responds to the identified training needs for a common approach to development of this topic at EU level, based on proposals expressed by the ETUC’s member organizations. The ETUI’s choice of the pedagogical... Find out more

Karen M. Anderson, Denis Bouget, Eleanor Brooks, ...

Social policy in the European Union: state of play 2020

All chapters of Social policy in the EU: state of play 2020 consider the consequences of the unfolding public health crisis. Covid‑19’s hijacking of the book had important implications for the contributors, whom we asked not only to analyse key developments in the EU social agenda during 2019 but also to describe the initial Covid‑19-driven EU and... Find out more

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June 16, 2021

Italy putting an end on coronavirus layoff freeze

In Italy, the temporary freeze on layoffs is due to expire at the end of June for the biggest companies while small and medium-sized firms have until the end of October. The freeze, which is unique in... Find out more

June 15, 2021

The US organising model in Europe: sharing best practices and building global campaigns

The so-called ‘organising model’ of trade unionism has flourished in some sectors in the United States (US), even as trade union membership and density have continued to fall. In Europe, on the other... Find out more

June 15, 2021

The gig economy and psychosocial risk, an interview with Pierre Bérastégui

Over the past decade, online labour platforms have increased dramatically, such type of work inherently brings specific hazards. We had the pleasure to interview Pierre Bérastégui, Researcher at the... Find out more

June 10, 2021

‘Danger money’ bungs will not quell labour unrest in health and social care

The concerns of health and care workers go well beyond the pandemic and pay, touching on their human dignity. As the pandemic gathered strength across Europe last year, several governments promised... Find out more
