Borders & Beyond

It is time to end illegal pushbacks and abolish Frontex

Two new campaigns aim to raise awareness about illegal pushbacks on Europe’s borders and call for the abolition of the EU’s border agency Frontex, respectively.

Imperialism & Insurgency

Breaking the international silence on Turkey’s aggression

In response to Turkey’s invasion of Iraqi Kurdistan, an international peace delegation traveled to the region in solidarity and to demand an end to the occupation.

Movement & Mobilization

Riots and resistance 10 years after the Tunisian Revolution

Tunisian youths are outraged and exasperated. Accounts of their protests tend to focus on the riots, while failing to identify the underlying issues.

People & Power

Debunking Canada’s false narrative on human rights

To put a halt to the Canadian government’s imperialist and neoliberal agenda, we need to critically assess its misleading “progressive” character.

Father Frost Against Putin

Every year, Russian activists gather in Helsinki, continuing a long tradition in which the city has served as a safe haven for Russian revolutionaries.

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