People, Not “Voices” or “Bodies,” Make History

The “voice-giving” that is so central to the mission of liberal philanthropy underscores something essential about the custodial politics at the heart of the American political system. We need to do far more than “give voice to the voiceless” to win justice.

  • Issue No. 41 out now!
  • Spring 2021

The Ruling Class


Jacobin is a leading voice of the American left, offering socialist perspectives on politics, economics, and culture.

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Houston, We Have a Labor Dispute

It has long been rumored that a strike in outer space occurred in 1973. Astronauts say that isn’t quite true, but the real story is still a testament to the potential of strikes — or even just the threat of strikes — to shift the balance of power in the workplace.

Bringing Antonio Gramsci Back to Turin

Turin was once Italian labor’s most famous heartland, inspiring a young Antonio Gramsci to become a Communist. Today, Gramsci scholar Angelo D’Orsi is bidding to win the mayor’s office — by mobilizing the working-class voters that the neoliberalized center-left abandoned.

Not All Labor Actions Aid the Working Class

There can be no successful left project without a rebuilt and revitalized labor movement at its heart. But that doesn’t mean that union militancy serves the interests of the larger working class in every possible context.