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The AFR View


Return of climate wars brings Barnaby back

Climate populist Barnaby Joyce’s rehabilitation leaves the Nationals with little room to play a constructive role in shaping Australia’s transition to the new energy economy in the best interests of regional Australians.

  • The AFR View

This Month

Nationals should lead rural Australia into the energy future

Dumping Michael McCormack for reheated former leader and rural populist Barnaby Joyce would be a backward step for the party of regional Australia, the Coalition government and the nation.

  • The AFR View

Stellar economy depends on driving the jabs

Closed borders and bottlenecks could lead to the V-shaped rebound turning into something more tepid. There is no time to lose in vaccinating and lifting restrictions.

  • The AFR View

RBA, Fair Work and business at odds over wages and costs

There is a confusion between the central bank’s desire to engineer wages growth and the reality that the cost structure is too high, amid lagging productivity and a mandatory 2.5 per cent wage increase.

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Full circle on trade after Britain left Australia ‘in the cold’

From the archives: as part of our Platinum 70 Year, we take a look back at AFR Views on significant domestic and international events over the past seven decades.

  • The AFR View

Gas will fuel energy transition to net zero

Blanket opposition to fossil fuels won’t help speed the energy transition that Australia must now make.

  • The AFR View

Australia and UK come full circle with trade deal

Britain once abandoned Australia for the EEC. Now the free trade agreement is a post-Brexit pathway back to the Indo-Pacific.

  • The AFR View

PM calls for back-up and gets it at G7

Australia may have got the cover it wanted out of the Cornwall summit. But there is still a long way to go in fully tackling the China challenge, including testing the resolve on all sides.

  • The AFR View

Australia is in the right company for the times

The world’s leading democracies that make up the G7 know that they must defend their order from authoritarian challengers. It is appropriate that Australia is standing with them.

  • The AFR View

PM’s message on multilateralism right for the G7

The WTO was crucial to China’s rise. Helping to fix it could repair its relationship with Australia and the West.

  • The AFR View

When Australia delayed joining the OECD ‘rich man’s club’

From the archives: as part of our Platinum 70 Year, we take a look back at AFR Views on significant domestic and international events over the past seven decades.

  • The AFR View

Woodside’s model climate change transition

The move to clean energy does not include abrupt cancelling of sensible projects such as Woodside’s Scarborough gas field.

  • The AFR View

Lockdown lifted, as virus jumps the border

It’s not geography, as the Andrew’s government claims, that’s made Victoria’s management of the virus different, but deeper failures of public administration.

  • The AFR View

Appeal for united front on China

By calling on fellow liberal democracies to work together, Scott Morrison is responding to criticism for getting out in front on China, with no strategy to back it up beyond slogans.

  • The AFR View

Population miscalculation

The Chinese people’s desire to to grow rich will now prove far more powerful than the Communist Party’s attempts to use families as an arm of the centrally planned state.

  • The AFR View

AAA rating a chance to come out stronger

The continued ability to borrow cheaply in international credit markets must not become an excuse for complacency about the growth agenda Australia still needs.

  • The AFR View

Pell contempt case shows courts must adapt to digital age

If the courts just continuing to punish the owners of the printing presses, their frustrations with modern communications technology will just undermine the administration of justice.

  • The AFR View

History shows energy transition is for the good

Australia needs to reframe the whole debate about heading into a low-carbon future from culture warfare to something rational and positive.

  • The AFR View

Speed up, take ownership, and hit vaccine target

Vaccination has been slowed for lack of a national plan, a target, and a face to front up the effort. All of them are needed to bring public urgency.

  • The AFR View

Future growth needs open borders and supply-side reform

The so-called shock absorbers rolled out to hold the economy together have turned out to be more like a trampoline. But we can’t ignore the looming headwinds.

  • The AFR View