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Gender equality


Just one in 10 ASX 200 chairmen is a woman

Women accounted for 33.6 per cent of ASX 200 company directors at the end of May, up from 30.9 per cent a year ago.

  • 4 mins ago
  • Sally Patten


Mid-tier law firms lead industry in gender equity

Young female lawyers looking to make partnership have a better chance of doing so at mid-tier firms than at the top end of town.

  • Hannah Wootton


Finfluencers back ASIC crackdown on bad apples

Gen Z personal finance influencers have embraced the Australian Securities and Investments Commission’s crackdown on online unlicensed investment advice.

  • Aleks Vickovich

How radio helped liberate women

A new book examines the key role of radio in the fight for gender equality.

  • Catherine Fisher

Perth’s Weld Club laid bare

Every single member had their name splashed across the pages of The West Australian on Saturday.

  • Myriam Robin

Just 19pc of ASX boards accountable for sexual harassment

Just under 30 per cent of boards discuss sexual harassment issues when they are highlighted in the media, research by Sex Discrimination Commissioner Kate Jenkins and ACSI finds.

  • Sally Patten

Australian Club’s surprise spinner

Veteran spinner Sue Cato is the newly revealed spokeswoman of the patrician institution

  • Myriam Robin

Diversity targets linked to BHP bonuses

Diversity and gender representation are among the criteria considered when awarding short-term bonuses at BHP.

  • Tess Bennett

‘Beyond belief’: Elite men’s club votes no to letting women in

Leading women from Australia’s corporate world have expressed frustration at the men-only Australian Club voting to continue banning women.

  • Finbar O'Mallon

Man sues BHP for ‘systemic’ sex discrimination

A male executive earmarked by the company as one of its future leaders says its rush to achieve gender balance by 2025 led to prejudice against men when hiring.

  • Peter Ker


FinTok ‘financial feminist’ with 150,000+ fans is changing bro culture

From WallStreetBets to StockTok, fiscal advice is still all about the boys, but Jessica Spangler is among a new wave of women proving them wrong.

Gender pay gap gets worse as accountants rise to partner

Male accounting partners earn $110,000 more than their female counterparts, according to a remuneration survey of chartered accountants.

  • Tess Bennett

Four tips on what women can do to enter (and stay in) the tech sector

The scale of the problem around the lack of gender diversity in technology means companies and female candidates must act.

  • Sally Patten

I want my daughter to be free of gender expectations – including mine

Raising children is always going to be a challenging task, and even as society’s values and beliefs morph and shift it remains ever thus.

  • E.J. Levy

Women’s leadership programs no fix for the glass ceiling

Funding women’s leadership programs without dismantling the barriers that prevent women from climbing the corporate ladder will do little to help female leaders.

  • Sally Patten

The number that will not budge in funds management

About 14 per cent of fund managers are women. That’s the same as it was two decades ago.

  • Liz McCormick and Katherine Greifeld

Mum’s call to extend parental leave for up to five years

Adding superannuation to parental leave or widening childcare subsidies would be welcomed, says mother-of-two Alista White-Lombardi. But not all women want to rush back to the workforce.

  • Aleks Vickovich

How gender politics became a hot potato for this playwright

A campaign to close a pay gap between men and women left a country town spitting chips, but provided rich pickings for Melanie Tait.

  • Clare Morgan


Kelly O’Dwyer backs gender quotas for Liberals

The former federal minister turned director for companies including Barrenjoey is supporting calls for targets to bring more women into politics and business.

  • Patrick Durkin and Sally Patten

Women-friendly measures to be rolled out beyond the budget

Next month’s national accounts announcement will be only a downpayment on measures tailored to benefit female voters.

  • Phillip Coorey