Israel, Saudi Arabia and the US joined forces to pressure Jordan's King Abdullah II to partake in the US-sponsored "normalization deals" with Tel Aviv, according to the Washington Post... “It became a belief of Trump that the king was a hindrance" to his plan, a former senior CIA official was quoted as saying ... “A sticking point for us is al-Aqsa ... Media.
Pandemics ~ Data & Analytics (PANDA) is a multidisciplinary group seeking to inform policy. PANDA considers explanations that allow us to count the human costs of COVID-19 responses globally ... PANDA members work voluntarily, offering their skillset to contribute to informed policymaking and decisioning ... .
Turkish PresidentRecep Tayyip Erdoğan is attempting to appear reconciliatory in Brussels today and even described Greece as an “ally.”. As he stated during his speech at Thursday’s NATO Summit, the revival of the dialogue with Greece contributes to the solution of the problems, but also to the regional stability ... READ MORE ... .
MOSCOW — Russian PresidentVladimir Putin, who is to meet PresidentJoe Biden at a summit Wednesday, has suggested that the hundreds of people arrested for rioting at the U.S. Capitol are being subjected to “persecution for political opinions.” ... “You are presenting it as dissent and intolerance toward dissent in Russia... He then pointed to the Jan ... U.S.
An American father and son pleaded guilty in Tokyo on Monday to charges that they illegally helped former Nissan Motor Co Ltd Chairman Carlos Ghosn flee Japan hidden in a box aboard a private jet in December 2019 ... It was their first court appearance in the case ... They could face up to three years in prison ... He denies the charges. - Reuters. .
The rising demand for cryptocurrencies has a direct influence on the growth of cryptocurrency threats, which started in the second half of 2020 and continued in 2021, says global leader in cybersecurity ESET. According to its , as cryptocurrencies become more mainstream, the amount of malware that seeks to make a profit from them will grow.