
[VIDEO] Meritocracy: Capitalism’s #1 Myth to Control You

Meritocracy: a sweet lie we’re told to make capitalism seem fair. But is this lie actually sweet? Is meritocracy something good to strive for, or is it trash?

This video will:

1. Discuss how belief in meritocracy is used to manipulate us into supporting a system that’s against our interests

2. Present evidence that meritocracy is a myth

3. Argue that capitalists get rich not by merit but by owning assets, and profit gained from this is a form of theft

4. Make the case that meritocracy is not a desirable goal

5. Present a preferable alternative to meritocracy described by Kropotkin in The Conquest of Bread

Black Flag 128 (Mar 1985)

An issue of Black Flag published 18th March 1985. Topics covered include: riot after police attack miners' protest in London, miners strike prisoners, Channel 4 MI5 documentary, 5 year squat in Nottingham evicted, miners strike news roundup, Argentine anarchists, Anarchist Black Cross news, publications, news etc.

Scanned by the comrades at Sparrows Nest Archive, Nottingham.

Preamble of the Lowell Female Labor Reform Association

Preamble of the LFLRA, the first women labor organization in America, which appeared in the Voice of Industry newspaper. The LFLRA were textile workers who agitated for a ten-hour workday and other improvements.

Direct Action in the Motor City: Restaurant Workers Fight Back

Fellow Worker Graham from the Detroit IWW reports on an organizing campaign among restaurant workers there. This story was first published in the Industrial Worker.

Statement from John Paul Wootton for June 11 day of solidarity

A statement from John Paul Wootton, an anarchist prisoner and former Irish Republican, for the June 11 day of solidarity with long-term anarchist prisoners.

Interview with Jacques Camatte (2019)


A 2019 Cercle Marx interview with Jacques Camatte discussing Amadeo Bordiga, May '68, capital, and other subjects. Translated by Lucas Aubain for Radical Reprints, 2021. Original source:

The Council Communist Reader


The Communist Reader with a new introduction by Paul Mattick Jr. | Published by Radical Reprints (2021) | PDF attached | A print version is available wherever you buy books online | All proceeds go to mutual aid funds and getting free books to collectives, libraries, and more.

E42: White Skin, Black Fuel w/ Andreas Malm And Lise Benoist

Alex and Sam talk with two members of the Zetkin Collective, Andreas Malm and Lise Benoist about their new book, White Skin Black Fuel.

E41: The History of Nazi Ecologism W/ Peter Staudenmaier

Sam goes through the history of Nazi ecologism with its most prominent historians: Peter Staudenmaier.