I Just Placed An Order - What Do I Do Now?

Congrats with your first order! You should see the following banner once you've made your purchase:

Click on the checkout button to send payment.

Alternatively, you can go to the order page and click on the checkout button to send payment.

If you have paid but the seller does not confirm receipt of payment within 4 days (96 hours), please leave the seller a message on the order page asking for an update. If a seller has not confirmed the receipt of payment after four days, please contact them through the Seller Not Responding feature, available directly on the order page at that time.

Please note that, when placing the order, you as the buyer:

  • are expected to pay for your order within four days. By placing an order, you commit yourself to paying for it as well.
  • are expected to communicate with the seller on the order page.

You can read all about your responsibilities as a buyer in the Sales & Transaction Policy.

Here’s a video showing the order process from the perspective of a buyer:


If you are shopping while being logged out of your account, you will be requested to log into your account before completing the order. Once you are logged in, please return to your cart and complete the order by clicking the “Place Order” button.


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