Discogs App FAQ

Note: Should you experience any issues with the App or get a notification that you are "Not allowed to access this resource", please make sure to update your App to the latest version. Once that is done, log out and in again.

If you are encountering issues with the login, please try to reset your password here. More information can be found in our document How Do I Log In To My Account? Please let us know if you still have questions!

Where can I find the Discogs App?

How can I offer feedback or make feature requests?

We would love to hear your feedback or suggestion! We ask that you send your ideas here:

app@discogs.com as well as posting them on the iOS App Forum or the Android App Forum.

We will read each and every request submitted and use community feedback to guide development. 

How do I report an App bug or issue? 

Whoops, we hope there aren't too many, but if you notice any app issues, please report them by sending us an email at app@discogs.com as well as posting them on the iOS App Forum or the Android App Forum. That way we can be sure that the issue is investigated by our development team. Thanks! 

How do I register as a beta tester? 

We love user testing the last versions of the App. As a beta tester, you will receive the last version of the App before everyone else. This will allow you to test the App and give us any feedback that you consider important.

You can register here:

How can I contact Discogs staff about the Discogs App?

We hope to channel most support to the App Forum. Our staff will be actively monitoring this forum and that's how you will receive the quickest response from staff, as well as further assistance and insight from other community members. 

However, you are also welcome to connect with the App Team via email: app@discogs.com 

Where can I find the Discogs App Privacy Policy?

Please review our Discogs App Privacy Policy. 

Ugh, why doesn't the Discogs App (fill in the blank)?!?

Our App, just like our site, will be built around what our community wants. Discogs is a collaborative effort that wouldn't be possible without a community of music obsessives focused on a common goal! We are committed to Community, Teamwork, Music, Open Source, and Continuous Improvement.

We will be taking your feedback and continuously adding to and improving the Discogs app. Please provide iOS and Android feedback via app@discogs.com as well as posting it on the iOS App Forum or the Android App Forum.

Does the Discogs App have a barcode scanner?

Yes! The Discogs App has a barcode scanner integrated, so you can easily lookup records in the Discogs Database simply by scanning a release barcode. 

Is it possible to place an order from the Discogs App? 

The Discogs Android and iOS Apps have a Marketplace Integration. Buyers can place orders within the app, communicate with sellers, leave feedback and check their purchase history. You can even make an offer on the Android App, on the iOS App you can tap on the Make an offer button and be redirected to Discogs.com to complete the action. We'll be adding more improvements to the Apps in the coming months. 

Is it possible to sell from the Discogs App? 

At this time, only the Android App has selling integration. You will be able to manage and view orders as well as some other inventory functions.


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