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10.06.2021 Press release

ECtHR ruling on right to strike

The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) today stated that the right to strike takes precedence over the ‘economic freedoms’ of the single market.  

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14.06.2021 Document

ETUC resolution on the European Trade Union Democracy Action Plan (adopted)

ETUC resolution on the European Trade Union Democracy Action Plan Adopted at the virtual Executive Committee Meeting of 3-4 June 2021                                           Background Trade unionism and democracy are inextricably linked. Trade unions have a long and proud history of fighting for voting rights, for democracy and against dictatorship.
14.06.2021 Document

“EU governments, respect the promises made to workers!”

European Trade Union Confederation and Social Platform statement on the Directive on Adequate Minimum Wages in the EU During the Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council (EPSCO) meeting on 14 June, EU Ministers will discuss the European Commission’s Directive on Adequate Minimum Wages in the EU. We hereby urge EU Ministers to demonstrate their full political support for the proposed Directive.
11.06.2021 Document

ETUC resolution on a Child Guarantee (adopted)

ETUC resolution on a Child Guarantee Adopted at the virtual Executive Committee Meeting of 3-4 June 2021 Summary The aim of this document is to provide the ETUC inputs on the key elements of the European Commission’s proposal for a Child Guarantee. Such views have been discussed and developed within the trade union delegation participating at a dedicated hearing with European Social Partners in Autumn 2020, and further discussed with the ETUC permanent Committee on Social Protection.
04.06.2021 Document

Letter to Vice-President Dombrovskis regarding Spanish recovery plan

 Dear Executive Vice-President Dombrovskis, We, the ETUC and its Spanish members CCOO and UGT, would like to communicate to you our deep concerns regarding the interference of services of the European Commission in the Spanish Government’s work on the Spanish National Plan for Recovery and Resilience. In our view, such political pressure aimed at determining content and milestones of the NRRP dealing with collective bargaining structures and reduction of job instability goes beyond the mandate that the RRF Regulation grants the European Commission.
See what happened at the latest Congress

The ETUC takes action in a number of ways: through political pressure and negotiations with EU institutions, social dialogue, and large-scale demonstrations.

Since the start of the crisis, the European Union has demonstrated its growing power over countries that use the single currency. But even outside the Eurozone, EU Member States face the same challenges and are becoming increasingly interdependent. Climate change, energy supply, worker mobility and migration are among the issues that cannot be tackled by individual nations.

  • Influencing European decision-making
  • Representing workers through European social dialogue
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Aims and priorities
  • United action for Social Europe
  • Quality jobs, workers’ rights and a fair society
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Organisation and people
  • Congress, Executive & Steering Committee
  • Leardership team
  • Staff
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The Leadership Team
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