Aerospace boss struggled to get top-secret security clearance

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Aerospace boss struggled to get top-secret security clearance

By Richard Baker

The Chinese-Australian scientist put in charge of the aerospace division of Australia's Defence Science Technology agency in 2017 was unable to obtain high-level government security clearance almost a year after she was appointed.

Dong Yang Wu was responsible for more than 300 scientists, engineers and technicians supporting the operation and maintenance of Australia’s air combat fleet, including the US-built F-35 Joint Strike Fighter.

Former chief of the Defence Science and Technology aerospace division, Dong Yang Wu.

Former chief of the Defence Science and Technology aerospace division, Dong Yang Wu.

Three defence and security sources with knowledge of Dr Wu's situation, who asked not to be named because they were not authorised to speak to the media, confirmed to The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald that Dr Wu was still without a high-level security clearance almost a year into her job.

They said her lack of access to classified information a security clearance would have provided happened because the Australian Government Security Vetting Agency had difficulty verifying aspects of her education, employment and other associations in China dating back the 1980s.

Former head of the China desk at the Defence Intelligence Organisation, Paul Monk, said the appointment of Dr Wu raises questions for the organisation.

“This is not about the individual but about the way China conducts itself under President Xi,” Dr Monk said. “But if you're appointing someone as chief of aerospace you want to be pretty damn sure you can verify everything in their background.”

Dr Wu was appointed to the important defence science role in mid-2017 and left two years later for undisclosed reasons. It is not known whether Dr Wu was ever granted the security clearance needed for the chief of aerospace role, which required access to top secret information.

Neither Dr Wu nor the Defence Department would comment on the reason for her departure or security clearance issues. A Defence spokesman said he could not say if she resigned from the role.

There is no suggestion Dr Wu engaged in any activities contrary to Australia’s national interest


Australian security and intelligence agencies are increasingly concerned by the extent of Chinese government information gathering and influencing operations at Australian institutions, which has led to more-rigorous background checks. Those tasked with the responsibility for vetting candidates have to balance discrimination concerns with the reality that verifying information from China can be difficult.

Dr Monk said the issue of vetting was particularly challenging when it came to Chinese Australian candidates, given the tense diplomatic situation between the countries.

He said to properly assess Dr Wu’s history, security officials would have had to verify her education history in China dating back to the 1980s, her more recent five-year stint as Boeing China’s vice-president of research and her many ongoing professional relationships with China-based scientists and universities.

Dr Wu, an Australian citizen since the 1990s who has also worked as a CSIRO scientist, was selected by a Defence Science Technology panel as chief of the aerospace division ahead of two internal candidates.

The Age and The Herald approached the former chief defence scientist who oversaw Dr Wu’s appointment, Alex Zelinsky, for comment. Professor Zelinskly, now the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Newcastle, did not respond.

Shortly after her departure in July last year, Dr Wu told a private audience of scientists and engineers in Adelaide about the challenges of being both an Asian female and an “outsider” to Defence and said she believed she had been appointed to “address the perceived inward-looking culture and operation of the division”.

“Being the first female Asian chief and externally hired chief of division represented a big challenge for me technically, politically and perception-wise," she said. "The responsibility was huge, the stakes were high, the learning curve was steep and the control was not always mine."

Dr Wu pushed reforms at DST that she conceded in her speech were not always well received by colleagues, such as her proposals to increase the focus on unmanned aerial systems and live, virtual and construction simulation.

Former Australian ambassador to Israel, federal Liberal MP David Sharma, and former Office of National Assessments director-general Allan Gyngell both last week highlighted the problem with vetting officials of Chinese origin.


"Many candidates are being turned away and others are leaving government service because of this issue,” Mr Sharma told a China Matters think tank event, according to a report in the Canberra Times.

Mr Gyngell said at the same event that while it was important for the security vetting process to be “properly intrusive”, there was an increasing concern of “wasted talent” with Chinese Australians leaving the public service because of the issue.

Dr Wu’s arrival at the DST in 2017 coincided with then prime minister Malcolm Turnbull’s pivot to a more security-conscious approach to China’s involvement in Australia’s defence, science and university sectors.

In 2018, another Chinese-born scientist at DST was referred by Defence to the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation after it was revealed he had become involved in a side-business with a subsidiary of China’s main missile manufacturer.

The CSIRO has also had to spend tens-of-millions-of-dollars to upgrade its cybersecurity and IT systems after a Chinese scientist working at its Parkville office in Melbourne abruptly left Australia in 2013 having transmitted, or taken, a large amount of sensitive data.

Documents lodged with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission show Dr Wu now heads a Melbourne-based charity called MedFamily, registered in early April, which was established by a small group of Chinese Australians to source and supply personal protective equipment for hospitals in Victoria and New South Wales.

Drawing on the support of the Chinese-Australian community, MedFamily’s website says it has raised hundreds-of-thousands of dollars to purchase PPE and masks for 20 major hospitals in Victoria and three in New South Wales.

MedFamily’s corporate partners include the Australia Ningbo Association, the Australia Jiangxi Association and the Sun Yat-sen University’s alumni association in Australia.


In a 2018 submission to the Federal Parliament’s joint committee on intelligence and security, prominent researchers into the operations of the Chinese Communist Party, Alex Joske and Clive Hamilton, warned that some of the larger overseas Chinese associations in Australia, including the Australia Ningbo Association, were likely targets for influencing operations run by the the party’s United Front organisation.

There is no suggestion MedFamily or anyone involved with it has been approached by the United Front or people connected with it.

Know more? Email Richard Baker at

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