Monday, March 11 2019 How Palestinian Land Goes From the Israeli Army to the Settlers 45 settlements have been built on Palestinian land requisitioned for military purposes. A new study explains how. Read Analysis by Amira Hass:

Monday, June 1 2015 Hebron, Abu Anan by David Shulman May 30, 2015 Happily, nothing very dramatic happened today in South Hebron, unless you consider acts of friendship, perseverance, and somehow doing the decent thing as in their own way dramatic. I spent the whole day harvesting the fields of Abu Anan. He’s an old friend, a lovable man of almost mythic qualities. Born in Hebron long ago. Driven from his first home, then his second home, by Israeli settlers, who also stole considerable chunks of his land. Still he didn’t give up. He built a third, and then a […]

Saturday, October 6 2012 Soldiers fired tear gas on olive harvesters from Tarqumiya – by Alon Aviram It’s that time of the year again and the olive trees are ripe and ready for harvest. I found myself last Saturday picking olives alongside Palestinian families and Israeli activists from Ta’ayush in the village of Tarqumiya, northwest of Hebron. As the morning light crept over us, the only sounds to be heard were those of intermittent conversations, of hands sifting through coarse olive branches as they plucked the fruit, and then of the olives dropping like scattered rain drops on the nylon sheets below. The annual olive harvest is a […]

Friday, October 22 2010 Olive Harvest in Hebron and Settler Attack During Olive Harvest in Susia The olive harvest in Hebron went smoothly; this despite two soldiers poking their heads into the olive grove, informing that it was forbidden to harvest without coordinating beforehand, then disappearing. Things couldn’t have been more different in the South Hebron Hills. There, the day began in Umm Zeituna with the army’s attempt to kidnap (sheepnap?) a sheep belonging to a Palestinian shepherd and the frightened mammal’s release by activists. From there the activists moved on to harvest on the Abu Sabha family’s lands adjacent to Susia. Some fifteen minutes later […]

Saturday, July 24 2010 drawing water in Tawamin and demonstration in Hebron The village of Khirbet a-Tawamin lies south-west of the settlement of Susya. In 2001 the settlers, assisted by the army, expelled the residents of the village, which to this day was not rehabilitated. Some of the caves which served as homes for the villagers were destroyed by the settlers, others are used by them as targets for shooting practice. Last Saturday we returned to Tawamin to draw water from one of the cisterns which used to serve the destroyed village and bring it to the neighboring village of Bir el-‘Id, […]

Saturday, July 17 2010 Water Collection in Tawamin for the Residents of Bir El-Eid, Accompanying Shepherds in Mufkarah and the Demonstration in Hebron On Saturday we went to the cisterns in Tawamin to meet with the residents of Bir El-Eid and to continue collecting water and transporting them to cisterns the access to which is less disturbed by the settlers, a task in which we have been engaged for a month (you can read more about this in earlier posts). As expected, a few minutes after we arrived at the cisterns a few military and police jeeps arrived.  Unexpectedly, this time the soldiers did not come in order to prevent the activity and to […]

Saturday, June 26 2010 cleaning a well in Bir al-‘Id The hamlet of Bir al-‘Id lies on the hillside between the outposts of Mitzpeh Yair and Havat Talia. Its inhabitants suffered for years from repeated bullying by the army and the settlers.  The villagers were twice evicted from their homes: once in 1999, when the area was declared a firing zone, and again in 2000 by threats of attacks by he settlers. The long struggle, together with the residents, on the site and in the law-courts, bore fruit in November 2009. Only  then 2 families (out of the original 400 […]

Saturday, June 19 2010 grazing in Sussya Early in the morning we went out to graze. Members of the family were already prepared, but they were not the only ones who awaited us there. An army jeep parked by the hill stood quietly, but within it the soldiers were already calling for reinforcements in order to control the children, the activists and the goats grazing peacefully in the area allowed by the law-court and the Civil Administration. The land is almost adjacent to the family’s houses, between the hill and the army observation post and the jeep. […]