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Middle East

Israel launches air strikes on Gaza

Israel launches air strikes on Gaza

The attacks, following an Israeli nationalist march in East Jerusalem that angered Palestinians, came in in response to the launching of incendiary balloons.


Israel needs to stop stalling and release aid worker jailed five years ago

Israel needs to stop stalling and release aid worker jailed five years ago

The UN has described Mohammed el-Halabi as a humanitarian hero but Israel claims the World Vision employee redirected aid to militant groups.

  • by Tim Costello
It’s Israel’s turn to confront Trumpism

It’s Israel’s turn to confront Trumpism

Netanyahu’s opponents are pushing back in a way that might work for Israel, but broader efforts are needed to confront authoritarianism worldwide.

  • by Timothy L. O'Brien
‘I’ll be back’: Israel approves coalition, ending Netanyahu’s 12-year reign

‘I’ll be back’: Israel approves coalition, ending Netanyahu’s 12-year reign

For the first time in 12 years, Israeli lawmakers have voted to install a government led by someone other than Benjamin Netanyahu.

  • by Steve Hendrix and Shira Rubin
‘King of Israel’ exits leaving behind prosperity and division

‘King of Israel’ exits leaving behind prosperity and division

He compartmentalised the Palestinian conflict, snubbing endless peace talks, unilaterally expanding the Jewish presence in the occupied West Bank, while presiding over an extraordinary economic turnaround.

  • by David M. Halbfinger
United only in opposition to Netanyahu, can Israel’s fragile coalition government survive?

United only in opposition to Netanyahu, can Israel’s fragile coalition government survive?

Naftali Bennett, the head of a small ultranationalist party, will take over as prime minister. But if he wants to keep the job, he will have to maintain an unwieldy coalition of parties from the political right, left and centre.

  • by Joseph Krauss
Turkey launches massive clean-up of ‘sea snot’ choking its coast

Turkey launches massive clean-up of ‘sea snot’ choking its coast

The unappetising muck has become a source of national embarrassment and rising anger, prompting the President to intervene.

  • by Antonia Noori Farzan
A Palestinian, a Jewish settler and a shared house: struggle at close quarters

A Palestinian, a Jewish settler and a shared house: struggle at close quarters

The Rajabi family lives in the basement, third floor and part of the second. The Tanami family lives on the first floor and rest of the second.

  • by Patrick Kingsley
Netanyahu alleges ‘the greatest election fraud’ as Israel faces fears of political violence

Netanyahu alleges ‘the greatest election fraud’ as Israel faces fears of political violence

Naftali Bennett, the nationalist set to replace Netanyahu, called on Israel’s longest-serving leader not to leave “scorched earth” behind.

  • by Abbie Cheeseman
Community support Jews targeted over Israel’s conflict with Gaza

Community support Jews targeted over Israel’s conflict with Gaza

Anti-semitic reaction in Australia to renewed hostilities has been less vocal than in other parts of the world but it is still a cause for concern.

  • by Ralph Genende
Burned out hulk of Iran’s biggest warship seen from space

Burned out hulk of Iran’s biggest warship seen from space

The fire aboard the Kharg warship follows a series of mysterious explosions that began in 2019, targeting commercial ships in the Gulf of Oman.