Homeowners on alert as fixed-rate mortgages rise

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Homeowners on alert as fixed-rate mortgages rise

By John Collett

Lenders are increasing their interest rates on 4 and 5-year fixed-rate mortgages as they prepare for the end of central-bank sponsored cheap funding designed to lubricate the economy in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic.

The Reserve Bank of Australia’s term funding facility will expire at the end of the month, under which lenders are able to access money at very low interest rates.

Homeowners are in a quandary over their mortgage strategy: Should they fix their interest rate now to lock in potential savings or stick with their variable rate?

Homeowners are in a quandary over their mortgage strategy: Should they fix their interest rate now to lock in potential savings or stick with their variable rate?Credit:Michel O’Sullivan

Sally Tindall, RateCity’s research director, says when the RBA’s cheap funding ends, she expects to see more fixed-interest mortgage rate hikes, particularly for terms of three years and longer.

That leaves those with variable-rate mortgages in a quandary – should they fix their interest rate now, just in case fixed rates rise further, wait longer before fixing, or stick with variable rates?

Over the past month, 17 lenders listed on the RateCity website have increased their 4-year rates and 18 have have increased their 5-year rates, with no lenders reducing their 4 and 5-year rates.

RateCity figures show that 13 lenders have increased their 3-year rates while seven have reduced their 3-year rates. Over the same period, more lenders have cut their 1 and 2-year rates than increased them, perhaps indicating that they see official interest rates on hold for at least that time.

ANZ economists said last week that the RBA could start increasing official interest rates in 2023, or perhaps even earlier.

Steve Mickenbecker, Canstar’s group executive financial services, says it is conceivable that after several rate rises, by the end of 2024, the average variable mortgage interest rate could be 2 percentage points higher than it is today – with fixed rates up even more.


Those who stick with their variable-rate mortgage now only to see their interest rate rise by 2 percentage points would end up paying more than $900 extra a month in repayments on a $800,000 loan over 30 years, Canstar figures show.

“We are the bottom of the interest-rate cycle and homebuyers are unlikely to see a general move down in mortgage rates from here; though there will be lenders who continue shave small amounts from their mortgage interest rates,” he says.

The average variable-rate mortgage listed on Canstar’s website is 3.22 per cent, compared to a 3-year fixed rate of 2.24 per cent and a 5-year fixed rate of 2.75 per cent.

Mickenbecker says a variable-rate borrower could fix for a 2-year or 3-year term now and lock-in interest rate savings, but they would likely end the fixed-rate term just as rates are on their way up.

A borrower could alternatively take more of a longer-term view and lock-in a 5-year fixed rate now but be paying more in interest, on average, than someone taking out a 3-year fixed rate.

However, they could end-up locking-in a relatively good rate for two or more years beyond when the official cash rate starts moving up, he says. “Whatever strategy borrowers choose they have to make sure they are getting a good rate,” Mickenbecker says.

Fixing pros and cons

Those who have rushed to fix their mortgage interest rate in the past have often had their fingers burned, as official rates and variable-rate mortgage rates were cut.

However, with the cash rate sitting at a record-low 0.1 per cent, the chances of getting caught out by fixing now are much lower than in the past, Mickenbecker says.

Still, he says fixed-rate mortgages often have fewer bells and whistles than variable-rate mortgages. “Most fixed-rate mortgages do not have offset accounts, but some have redraw [facilities]” he says.


Savings held in the offset account reduces the mortgage, and therefore the amount of interest paid. A redraw facility enables you to withdraw any extra repayments you make.

Exiting early from a fixed-rate mortgage could mean paying a substantial “break” cost to the lender, which is the economic cost to the lender from having to re-lend the money at a lower interest rate.

However, with interest rates only likely to go higher from here, there is not much incentive to exit a fixed-rate mortgage early, Mickenbecker says.

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