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Jane Austen family link to abolition movement comes to light

Jane Austen family link to abolition movement comes to light

While Jane Austen admirers savour her enduring novels, scholars ferret out details of Austen’s life and times, including a family link to slavery that surfaced 50 years ago.

  • by Lynn Elber


How to create joy at the end of the world: Emerging Writers’ Festival

How to create joy at the end of the world: Emerging Writers’ Festival

It’s a writers’ festival but not as you know it: speed pitching, performances and music are all part of this year’s Emerging Writers’ Festival.

  • by Kerrie O'Brien
The Night Watchman, Malcolm X biography win arts Pulitzers

The Night Watchman, Malcolm X biography win arts Pulitzers

Stories of race, racism and colonialism in the US swept the Pulitzer Prizes for the arts.

Metafictional work rewrites history to shed new light on the present

Metafictional work rewrites history to shed new light on the present

In this perfectly believable yet totally made-up story, French author Laurent Binet looks at how the world would look if Columbus had met steelier opposition in the Americas.

  • by Jack Cameron Stanton
Monica Dux blows figurative raspberries at the Catholic Church

Monica Dux blows figurative raspberries at the Catholic Church

Now a cynical atheist, the author remains appreciative of what religion gave her as a child.

  • by Jessie Tu
Fiction reviews: Bila Yarrudhanggalangdhuray and other titles

Fiction reviews: Bila Yarrudhanggalangdhuray and other titles

Anita Heiss’ new novel reimagines colonial Australia from an Aboriginal perspective.

  • by Cameron Woodhead
Non-fiction reviews: Mother & I and other titles

Non-fiction reviews: Mother & I and other titles

Ianto Ware’s memoir is written with tender detachment and sharp detail.

  • by Fiona Capp
Quiet realism and questions of identity in new short story collections

Quiet realism and questions of identity in new short story collections

Two new short story collections both come from Tasmanian writers, but tackle very different themes.

  • by Owen Richardson
A fractured fairytale about love and control

A fractured fairytale about love and control

Alice Pung’s new novel is a portrait of a young woman struggling for personal agency

  • by Thuy On
PR buzz and a Hulu adaptation: is this the next big novel?

PR buzz and a Hulu adaptation: is this the next big novel?

Zakiya Dalila Harris’ debut novel offers a sly social commentary.

  • by Declan Fry
A fictional take on Australia’s greatest literary hoax

A fictional take on Australia’s greatest literary hoax

Culture wars, even old ones, raise blood pressure. Stephen Orr answers ‘what if’ questions that give the infamous Ern Malley hoax new life.

  • by Michael McGirr