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Energy & Climate


Catherine Brenner backs carbon risk start-up Emmi

Boral director Catherine Brenner is backing a new start-up that wants its method of scoring companies’ carbon risk to become as ubiquitous as credit ratings.

  • 1 hr ago
  • James Thomson

How to fix carbon confusion

A small Australian company is helping to lead the way towards a trusted and standardised approach to trading carbon offsets.

  • Tony Boyd

This Month

How one simple idea helped Australia map its biodiversity

Australia is leading the world in the measurement of its natural capital thanks to a brilliant idea hatched by a group of scientists more than 13 years ago.

  • Tony Boyd

Despite all the headlines, clean coal is far from dead

Coal will not win every race in the move to a clean energy future. But it will be more competitive than many people think.

  • Michelle Manook

Global bankers warn Australian investors on carbon risk

The world’s biggest central banks risk creating a ‘dog’s breakfast’ of global climate disclosure rules unless Canberra engages more aggressively with the rest of the world, say investors.

  • Jacob Greber

ESG investing isn’t just about cutting fossil fuels

Decarbonising a portfolio requires a more sophisticated approach to deliver the same ‘look and feel’ with similar risk.

  • Updated
  • Ben Potter

Tesla eyes $1b-plus of Australian minerals

Tesla’s chairman says Australia has the minerals to power the renewable energy age and challenged all involved to seize the extraordinary opportunity to become a renewable superpower.

  • Jacob Greber

Global carbon incentive an elegant economic solution for emissions

A global fund that charged big and small emitters would be fair, prevent free-riding, and leave countries free to choose their own path to net zero.

  • Raghuram G. Rajan


Carbon capture is a gift horse for Australia

After wool, coal, and iron ore, the storing of carbon could be Australia’s next big opportunity in the global economy.

  • Craig Emerson

Australian carbon emissions fell 5pc in 2020 on energy advances

The Morrison government says emissions are down 20.1 per cent since 2005, the benchmark year for Australia’s 26-28 per cent 2030 Paris promise.

  • Jacob Greber

Australian gas could take hit from Shell climate ruling

Courts in the Netherlands and Australia have combined with shareholder activism in the US to boost the campaign against fossil fuel producers.

  • Peter Ker

Tech-neutral ‘green’ investment

Labor’s position on ‘green’ investments – which should be tech- and sector-neutral – is picking a political fight over something that should help, not hinder, Australia’s path to net zero.

  • The AFR View

Pipeliner wants ‘green gas’ target to mirror RET

Gas pipeline owner Jemena says a target for biogas and green hydrogen like the Renewable Energy Target would help reduce the long-term cost of reaching carbon neutrality.

  • Angela Macdonald-Smith

Why the Hunter Valley gas plant is bad policy

The Kurri Kurri gas fired power station will neither cut power prices nor add useful capacity. But it will push energy investment risk back onto the taxpayer, writes the first chairman of AEMO.

  • Tom Parry

The Rich Listers set to profit from saving the climate

A growing number of ultra-wealthy people are investing in ways to make business more sustainable, and therefore more competitive – and profitable.

  • James Thomson

Who to blame for the plastic peril

A handful of companies and their investors could make all the difference to a world that’s awash in plastic waste.

  • Mark Barnaba

Abandon coal: Britain raises stakes for climate summit

Britain’s call comes as PM Boris Johnson phones Scott Morrison to gee him up for a 2050 net-zero target ahead of a G7 meeting next month.

  • Hans van Leeuwen

Musk underlines bitcoin’s biggest weaknesses

Now even Elon Musk accepts bitcoin has an unjustifiable carbon emissions problem, will we see any legislators consider a carbon tax?

  • Tom Richardson

Carbon border taxes mostly unnecessary, climate guru says

Influential climate economist Nicholas Stern says any EU or US carbon tariffs should be limited to a handful of sectors such as steel.

  • Hans van Leeuwen

Australia’s electric vehicle strategy is a mess

Australia lags the world in the adoption of electric vehicles, despite compelling arguments in favour of reducing carbon emissions and weaning the country off imported fuel.

  • Tony Boyd