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Paul Krugman


Paul Krugman

Paul Krugman is a New York Times columnist and Nobel prize winner.


Joe Biden’s economic management has been a secret triumph

Putting full employment first will have been worth the trouble of a couple of years of elevated inflation.

June 2021

Inflation panic proves transitory

Ominous warnings of 1970s-type stagflation are so last week following the Federal Reserve’s deflation of the case for a sustained outbreak of inflation.

Economic nationalism, Joe Biden-style

Biden won’t start many trade wars, but he won’t sign many trade deals either.

January 2021

Who’s radical now? The case of minimum wages

Republicans' objections to minimum wages run counter to popular opinion and the conclusions of mainstream economics.

August 2020

Trump sends in the economic quacks

A proposed payroll tax cut is the hydroxychloroquine of economic policy. It's a quack remedy that somehow caught Donald Trump's eye.

February 2020

How zombies ate the Republican Party's soul

A result of decades of zombification is a Republican caucus that consists entirely of soulless opportunists (and no, the fact that some of them like to quote Scripture doesn't change that fact).

November 2019

It's time to burst the billionaire bubble

The idea that America is just waiting for a billionaire businessman to save the day by riding in on a white horse — or, actually, being driven over in a black limo — is just silly. It is, in fact, the kind of thing only a billionaire could believe.

September 2019

Democracy is dying in the US

In less than three years the US Justice Department has been transformed from an agency enforcing the law to one dedicated to punishing Trump's opponents, writes Paul Krugman.