This Month
- Opinion
Letters of 11 June 2021: Income tax, CGT act in tandem
CGT, income tax, property boom, negative gearing, carbon capture, Taiwan, China
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Letters of 9 June 2021: Solar is driving prices down
solar, energy, renewables, electricity prices, Melbourne lockdown, coronavirus, vaccine, economy, company tax, G7, land tax, stamp duty
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Letters of 7 June 2021: Virus science baffles officials
Virus, COVID-19, immigration, economic growth, SMSF, China, energy leadership
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Letters of 4 June 2021: Make quarantine fit for purpose
COVID-19, Howard Springs, Josh Frydenberg, immigration, proxy advisers, tennis, Naomi Osaka
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Letters of 2 June 2021: Acceptable risk level is the issue
COVID-19, Melbourne, lockdown, quarantine, aged-care, vaccination, class action, carbon capture, QE
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Letters of 1 June 2021: High cost of a few stray cases
COVID-19, Victoria, lockdown, Vic economy, manufacturing, net zero, carbon emissions, Naomi Osaka, tennis
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Letters of 26 May 2021: Taxation and debt a deadly mix
Victoria budget, taxation, debt, Scott Morrison, election, mouse plague, power failure, vaccination
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Letters of 24 May 2021: Market failure gets redefined
Gas, power station, Liddell, Angus Taylor, China, Max Suich, vaccination, COVID, ASX, share trading
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Letters: Wake-up call for a China reset
Max Suich and China relations, coal and gas investments, inflation and interest rate, Victorian budget.
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Letters: We need to take a step back on China
China relations, Nuix, plastic pollution, Liberal Dries, budget deficits.
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Letters: Age-old views hurt longevity economy
Mature-age workers, infrastructure projects, Vic property taxes, tax residency, nurses and age care.
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- Israeli-Palestinian conflict
Letters of 17 May 2021: Lack of balance on Middle East
Israeli-Palestinian conflict, UK pensioners in Australia, China relations and border controls, Hunter Valley gas plant.
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Letters of 14 May 2021: Bad politics and bad economics
Australian budget, Josh Frydenberg, tax rate, education, climate change, clean energy, net zero, Keynes, Friedman
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Letters of 7 May 2021: Taiwan may be a bridge too far
Taiwan, China, Darwin port, inflation, retirees, gas, renewables, RBA, interest rate, NDIS
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Letters of 3 May 2021: China opts for punitive action
China, tariff, Biden, diplomacy, quarantine, GST, agriculture, workforce, India, Covid
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Letters of 6 May 2021: International standing at risk
Flight ban, coronavirus, India, quarantine, COVID-19, retirees, inflation, deflation, budget, RBA, interest rate
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Letters: Enforce emissions targets by law
Climate summit, climate policy, China, border closures.
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Letters of 26 April 2021: Anzac tradition undiminished
Anzac service, China, Beijing, Michael Smith, Golden ticket, mining tax
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Letters of 23 April 2021: Others must toe climate line too
climate change, renewables, carbon, CSG, Indonesia
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Letters of 22 April 2021: Emissions target will cost jobs
energy, carbon, climate change, gas, grids, tax system, OECD, Holgate