
One thing the Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted is that in a time of crisis, the most vulnerable are – yet again – the ones who take the biggest hit. That is why we have dedicated this first Progressive Post of 2021 to them: be they children, compelled to follow home-schooling, with all the difficulties and shortcomings this entails; be they adult learners, whose possibilities to continue their education have shrunk; be they migrants, who have completely dropped off the radars of public perception; or be it the entire world of care, both those who depend on it, and those who provide this care, often in the most difficult of circumstances, often with the least recognition financially and socially, and often – yet again – women and migrants.

And we continue with the reflection, launched in the previous issue, on the deep crisis in which today's capitalism is entrenched, and on the ways to move beyond this by reshaping the quality of growth. This means putting the weakest, as well as the planet, at the top of the post-pandemic priority list.

Netanyahu’s Bitter Legacy

Now that the guns have fallen silent in Israel-Palestine, it is time to take stock of how we reached this inflection point, who is mainly responsible for the breakdown of peace, and what the way forward? The latest round of fighting killed 242 Palestinians, including 68 children, and ten Israelis. It is the culmination of …

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A new internationalism on the terms of labour

If progressive European political parties are to achieve both relevance and electoral success, a paradigm shift is required: away from Social Democracy’s attachment to financialised globalisation. If they aim to defeat nationalism, and to end the cycle of debt inflations and deflations on one side and trade wars on the other, it is not only …

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Any positive agenda with Turkey must be linked to democratic conditionality

It is time to walk the talk. That is what the European Parliament’s new report on Turkey makes points out. Recently, the Turkish government has declared its desire to come closer to the EU. Now, it should prove it with real facts. The European Parliament has finally adopted its long-overdue report on Turkey. Extraordinarily, it …

Any positive agenda with Turkey must be linked to democratic conditionality Read More »

The question that haunts President Joe Biden: can the US deliver on climate?

President Biden has placed climate change at the centre of US domestic and foreign policy. Yet the wide partisan divide on the issue in the United States threatens to hinder the efforts of his administration to increase global climate ambitions. The Earth Day Summit will provide an important opportunity for the United States to demonstrate …

The question that haunts President Joe Biden: can the US deliver on climate? Read More »

Saving women’s lives with the Istanbul Convention

With the increased risk of violence brought by the Covid-19 crisis and the intention of some countries to undermine the key role of the Istanbul Convention, women and girls in Europe are facing increasing threats to their safety. The European Women’s Lobby calls attention to the Treaty’s crucial role in protecting women and girls from …

Saving women’s lives with the Istanbul Convention Read More »

Progressive agents of change

In the last decades, demands for orientation and political leadership in increasingly complex societies have risen. And so have demands of citizens for more direct participation. The current pandemic has only exacerbated these possibly contradictory developments. Progressive political parties will have to carefully readjust between citizens’ demands for more participation and inclusion on the one …

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