Investment in Green Infrastructure

Investments in infrastructure are considered as a major driver of economic growth. They are a mean of job creation directly and indirectly, through peripheral activities as well as productivity enhancement. According to the latest estimates by...

Central Bank Digital Currencies

The IAI, in collaboration with Intesa Sanpaolo and with the support of the Bank of Italy, carried out a research effort on the...

Covid-19 and development patterns

Economic responses to Covid-19 will significantly impact world development patterns for the remainder of this decade. As such,...


The OSCE Asian Partnership: Developments and Thematic Priorities

Marietta S. König, Liliya Buhela
Documenti IAI 21|10

The EU Must Change Vocabulary on Israel-Palestine

Michelle Pace
IAI Commentaries 21|28

Ending Impunity in the Holy Land

Andrea Dessì
IAI Commentaries 21|27

How Effective is Differentiation in the EU Economic Policy Field?

Andreas Eisl, Eulalia Rubio
EU IDEA Papers Research Paper 8

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The International Spectator

The International Spectator, Vol. 56, No. 2, June 2021

Open access: Navigating a Covid World: The...