The future of the left since 1884


8 April 2021


In this collection, Labour MPs look to the future, setting out what the party must do to regain the confidence of working people.

Continue reading Labour party / Elections


7 April 2021

New Fabian Society research on public attitudes to social security reveals a groundswell of support for increasing benefit payments

Continue reading Poverty / Social security


7 April 2021

Read the final report of the two-year Commission on Workers and Technology established by Community union and the Fabian Society, and chaired by Yvette Cooper MP.

Continue reading Changing Work Centre

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The Fabian Review

Spring 2021, Volume 133 - No.1

This edition of the Fabian Review looks at a modern relationship between Labour and the unions, featuring Angela Rayner MP, Christopher Massey, Gloria Mills, Kate Dearden, Shelly Asquith and more. Plus, Scottish Labour’s new leader Anas Sarwar talks to Vanesha Singh about the fight ahead.

Also in this issue, Sadiq Khan lays out his capital values; Stephen Kinnock MP on the power grab in Myanmar; Kehinde Andrews unmasks the logic of empire in our politics; Paula Surridge on the possibility of rejoining the EU; and Marc Stears on Labour’s progressive patriotism.

Latest from the Fabian Society

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Rebuilding confidence

8 June 2021

Can Labour’s foreign policy agenda help win back the 150? Jessica Toale takes a look.

Continue reading Foreign policy

Aiming high

4 June 2021

UMA KAMBHAMPATI: We need a post-war approach to target inequality.

Continue reading Inequality / Race / Health

Thinking out loud

26 May 2021

JONNY THOMSON: Our ability to deliberate constructively is being eroded - we must change course.

Continue reading Democracy

Space to participate

24 May 2021

JENNY WOOD: We need to hear children’s voices in policymaking.

Continue reading Democracy / Human rights

Small doses

21 May 2021

HEIDI CHOW: Wealthy countries must end vaccine apartheid.

Continue reading Inequality / International relations / Health
Long read

Make or break

19 May 2021

The relationship between Labour and the unions has been crucial since the party was first founded. But is this historic alliance now under threat as never before? Christopher Massey takes a look.

Continue reading Trade unions

Our publications

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Going with the grain


New Fabian Society research on public attitudes to social security reveals a groundswell of support for increasing benefit payments.

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Hearts and minds

Winning the working-class vote

In this collection, Labour MPs look to the future, setting out what the party must do to regain the confidence of working people. Labour under Keir Starmer has made real progress in re-establishing a serious claim to be considered an alternative gove...

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A voice for the future


A year-long research project by the Scottish Fabians and FEPS finds that devolution is at risk from 'no change' unionists, and 'no compromise' nationalists, and argues for Scottish Labour to reassert itself as pro-UK, pro-devolution and passionately ...

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Building Bridges

Sally Gimson

In this pamphlet, Sally Gimson puts forward a range of policies to help Labour reconnect with voters and build a wide coalition across cities, towns and the countryside to defeat the Tories in 2024.

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Who loses?

The impacts of planned Universal Credit cuts across society

New Fabian Society research finds that over 700,000 people in working or disabled households are to be pulled into poverty by universal credit cuts. 

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Sharing the Future


The final report of the two-year Commission on Workers and Technology calls for major reforms to improve work, empower workers, and ensure the whole economy can benefit from new technology.

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Affordable connections

Essential digital technologies for all

To keep people connected to essential technologies, this paper proposes a British broadband discount scheme, modelled on the Warm Home Discount for energy bills and the US social tariff scheme Lifeline.

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Double Trouble

Mass unemployment and benefit cuts after the pandemic

New Fabian Society analysis shows that planned benefit cuts could push between 1 and 3 million people into poverty.

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Cultured communities

The crisis in local funding for arts and culture

Our new report highlights the long-standing crisis in arts and culture funding, fuelled by a decade of government cuts, that has left community arts and culture extremely vulnerable to lockdown, especially outside London.

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Better off

Recovery and reform in the post-coronavirus economy

This report examines key economic policy priorities for the left after the coronavirus shock and ensuing recession and explores how these policies should be designed to reshape the British economy in the long term.

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The self-employment justice gap

The case for online dispute resolution

This report makes the case for an online dispute resolution (ODR) service for self-employed workers and explores the role such a service could provide. It shows that self-employed workers face challenges distinct from employees and argues for new sys...

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Let Us Face The Future Again

Wes Streeting MP

After a disastrous election result, Wes Streeting MP sets out a Labour programme which can win again and, in so doing, improve the lives of millions. In the spirit of the 1945 Labour manifesto, he suggests it is time for Labour to face the future aga...

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Framing the Future

A new pensions commission

A joint report from the Fabian Society and Bright Blue calls for a new pensions commission and presents plans for how it should work

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Public Service Futures

Welfare States in the Digital Age

In this collection, contributors from across Europe and the UK offer an insight into how the 2020s can be a time of great possibility for public services, with huge potential for new technologies to meet our shared needs and strong public interest in...

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