" When life knocks you down; roll over and smell the roses "

i feel like shit rn, i think I got food poisoning unfortunately at a time when I’m studying for final exams 🙃

ANNA how r u?

Hey Zoe! I’m okay, teachers can be a pain sometimes but thankfully graduation is so close 🙌

How about you? ♥️

Signs in 1st house (Rising)


‘’Our physical and personal appearance. Our behavior, our energy and natural tendencies"


ARIES IN 1ST: They are people of action, dynamic, ambitious and courageous. They love being leaders. Challenging and at the same time inveterate romantics. Demanding and impulsive. They can not stand giving orders and always want to take their own pace and lifestyle and work. Their walk is firm and prominent, their faces are oval and slightly square, striking and sensual almond eyes in brown tones, long and straight nose, thin and large lips, firm and sculpted jaw, long and athletic torso, usually bony, thin skin, of red hot vibes, strong voice.

‘’The volcano erupts when Mars opens the door to the earth. Red and orange explosions adorn the sky, strengthening their spirit of war. The vitality and crossing in his eyes leads to attitude and courage. Burning flames burn on your feet as you strengthen the world.’’

TAURUS IN 1STPractical and realistic. Of elegant and sensual movements. They show love for beauty, nature and all kinds of pleasures. They feel a great need to achieve a stable and comfortable situation in all areas of their lives. Kind, calm, friendly and thoughtful. Green and brown eyes, thick and well-formed eyebrows, square and firm faces, full lips, curvy, wavy and brown hair, naturally tanned body, sexy little moles, short extremities.

‘’Venus shines more than ever when you open your big green eyes. Flora and fauna envelop an aphrodite of roses as we discover the most solid beauty of the earth. A mystical being of dazzling proportions comes to our lives to bring love to animals, life and our bodies.’‘

GEMINI IN 1STOf voluble and versatile character, they are sleepers, they have good intellect. Adventurous and restless. Enthusiasts, dreamers and idealists. They find it difficult to demonstrate their feelings in public and they need to reaffirm their masculinity or femininity, through flirting or gallantry. His movements are fast and flirtatious, with diamond-shaped faces, small curved eyebrows, attractive eyes in light tones, a long, upturned nose, small lips, short blond hair, thin skin and tall stature, his vibes are striking, magnetic voice.

‘’Mercury offers with its lights the spirit of an active and dazzling poet. The blanket opens before your eyes teaching you a paradise full of ideas and innovation for your naughty mind. The wind blows warmly as the fruit of your imagination creates the most beautiful stories.’‘

CANCER IN 1STTremendously sensitive, dreamy and tender. They have changing moods. They have a very strong maternal instinct and a deep attachment to the family. Faithful, attached and lovers of poetry. Their walking is sweet and captivating, their faces are round and smooth, large eyes, thick eyebrows, small round nose, lips are usually quite large and pink, broad bodies with generous curves, long blond and brown hair, medium height, captivating and harmonious vibes.

‘’The moon dances emotionally on your majestic being. The earth has never felt more blessed since your arrival, providing harmony and sweetness. Your great celestial eyes are amazed with the earthly beauty and the warmth of their roots. I see the romance and the affection detaching from your crystalline eyes ready to daydream.’‘

LEO IN 1STStrong and energetic nature. Self-assured and impose respect wherever they go. They are leaders by nature. They are characterized by being versatile, sincere and warm. They are shown extroverted and charming, attracting glances all the time. They like to surround themselves with diverse, fun and intelligent people. Green and honey eyes, natural skin glow, abundant hair in reddish tones, wide lips, tall, modest proportions, luminous and intense look, of fast and attractive movements.

‘‘The sun opens to radiate your luminous face and huge heart. Restore talent, your golden wings and romantic poetry through your wonderful voice. The lion roars loudly at your birth welcoming you to deliver luminosity and art.’’

VIRGO IN 1STAgile and awakened minds. They are analytical, prudent and perfectionist. Realistic people, ordered and retailers, can not stand unpunctuality and can sometimes be hypochondriacal and fussy. They are courteous, humble and reserved. His movements are calm and balanced, with oval and long faces, small and defined eyebrows, big eyes in blue and green tones, long forehead, big lips, round chin, small and curved bodies, smooth and soft skin, voluptuous breasts.

‘’A brilliant and astute mind is born to please the earth. Your majestic female body unleashes divine thoughts. Your passage through the fauna makes the world proud and surrounds us with kindness.’‘

LIBRA IN 1ST: Sociable and refined. They aspire to achieve harmony and balance in life in all its variants. Sensitive, vulnerable and cheerful. They act with diplomacy and provide cordiality. Indecisive and insecure, with melancholic tendencies. Blue and green eyes, symmetrical and oval faces, dimples, curved eyebrows, small upturned nose, subtly swollen lips, well-proportioned curves.

‘’The tender golden musical box opens to sing your stories of beauty and dazzling harmony. A small dancer represents your harmonious artistic movements while pink lights highlight her splendid heart balancing love and diplomacy.’‘

SCORPIO IN 1ST Intuitive, reserved and introverted. Energetic and passionate, original, intelligent, and disciplined. They feel guided more by the affective and emotional side than by the rational. People who are hard-working, efficient, organized and committed. His step is firm, sensual and striking, with oval faces, curved eyebrows with large dark round eyes, upturned noses, small and well formed lips, defined chin, long limbs, smooth dark hair, highly attractive proportioned bodies.

‘’A mysterious crystal ball shows your glorious body under dark and unimaginable fantasies. The great universal secrets accompany you in your magical power prowling the earth and studying the most enigmatic places. The depth of your gaze vibrates over all terrestrial bodies.’‘

SAGITTARIUS IN 1STOptimistic, extroverted, restless, versatile and adventurous. Impulsivity becomes invincible to them. They are honest, lucky and big hearts. They have a lot of security about themselves and looks abound over them. Fast and agile movements, their faces are usually elongated, eyes and noses are small, amber eyes, lower lip is larger than the upper, high cheekbones, long arms and legs, rear of generous proportions, athletic firm bodies, Greek profiles, abundant curly brown hair.

‘’A glorious and bohemian journey through the global decades together with your free and fleeting body. There is wisdom, spirit and luck for every trace you leave behind. Your collection of memories and experiences remain intact in the hands of your divine collective and rebellious being.’‘

CAPRICORN IN 1ST: Rational and occasionally diplomatic. Self-confident, ambitious, spiteful and persevering. They are highly disciplined and sober. Responsible, anxious, discreet and reliable. They want and approach events with transparency. Lovers of their solitude and jealous of their privacy. Long dark hair, high cheekbones, smooth skin, well formed small lips, snub nose and sculpted, sparkling eyes and curved eyebrows, oval / triangular faces, long limbs, small curves, long torso and of medium / high stature.

‘’The pages of the old and superb books open up for a return to your memorable years. Wisdom, knowledge and passion are unleashed through your universal thoughts. The calm and peace flaunts while your mind jumps to the earth’s hollow corners.’‘

AQUARIUS IN 1STWarm and extroverted vibes. Spontaneous, unpredictable with bohemian tendencies. They open their arms to freedom and independence. Innovation is important in their lives. They act with subtlety, observing methodically everything around them. From a graceful and strange walk, they draw attention wherever they go. Biggest smiles, high cheekbones, freckles/dimples, different eyes colors, curved eyebrows, smooth blonde hair, voluptuous lips, diamond-shaped faces varying to round contours, tall stature, well-shaped bodies, small breasts.

‘’Vibrant young souls full of light. Wide friendly smiles and gentle artistic hearts. They dance under the sun’s rays extending their arms to humanity. I see the purity of their souls through their multicolored eyes, analyzing methodically around them while the sun splashes on their orange freckles full of life.’’

PISCES IN 1STCreative, empathetic, sweet and sentimental. They become easily anguished and take the weight of situations in a deeper way. Hyperemotive, receptive, generous and cheerful vibes. Dependents most of the time in their social relationships. Psychologically fragile. Fantasious, energetic, tender and lovers of culture. Light straight hair, round and harmonic faces, big lips, colored eyes, crystalline and dreamers, bushy eyebrows, small and broad nose, soft and slightly voluptuous proportions, small feet and hands, short extremities and torso, dimples.

‘‘Warm and harmonic bodies dreaming about fluffy clouds, seeing from afar the magic of humanity. I see your huge bright eyes get lost in the melody of your artistic dreams. The birds accompany your song by opening the doors to heaven.’’



the only genders:

  • small town girl, living in a lonely world
  • city boy, born and raised in south detroit
  • singer in a smoky room
  • strangers waiting up and down the boulevard
  • shadows searching in the night
  • streetlights
  • people living just to find emotion



A spell to aid in a new job search. To help you find a job that meets your needs and lets you get both money and the bread.

Like to charge, reblog to cast





I’m not taking a chance sis

You don’t have to threaten me with bad luck to get me to reblog this fluffy boi




hearing someone you love laugh is? easily one of the best things on earth

(Source: snakependant)



i NEED to sit by the SEA and FORGET that i’m ALIVE



The clown epidemic we had in 2016 was camp



June is going to be an amazing month.

☀️ 🌞 ✨❤️✨ 🌞



I hope you guys like…eventually live the life you want to live and I hope nothing haunts you for too long and I hope you’re all kind to yourselves

(Source: zanabism)