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When I first read orientalism several years ago, I thought it was kind of dry. Rereading it now I realize that Edward Said had a unique wit and was very good at eloquent snark


This part where he’s describing an example of British orientalist literature is so incisive i love it:

Kinglake’s undeservedly famous and popular work is a pathetic catalogue of pompous ethnocentrisms and tiringly nondescript accounts of the Englishman’s East. His ostensible purpose in the book is to prove that travel in the Orient is important to “moulding of your character—that is, your very identity,” but in fact this turns out to be little more than solidifying “your” anti-Semitism, xenophobia, and general all-purpose race prejudice. We are told, for instance, that the Arabian Nights is too lively and inventive a work to have been created by a “mere Oriental,” “who, for creative purposes, is a thing dead and dry—a mental mummy.” Although Kinglake blithely confesses to no knowledge of any Oriental language, he is not constrained by ignorance from making sweeping generalizations about the Orient, its culture, mentality, and society.

It’s no wonder the knowledge-producing arm of western imperialism no longer calls itself Orientalist, like how do you come back from a criticism like this? You don’t


PDF and ebook

Also cannot recommend Said's book Culture and Imperialism enough (PDF and ebook)

Source: ursulaklegun




The self congratulatory ego masturbation on this post is hilarious I mean I am more geographically aware than the average person by far, because I HAVE to be, and like , the ONLY reason I know as much as I do is entirely from my undergraduate education. You don’t learn shit like this in American secondary schools because the US is an individualist hell and i aint going to be a dick about it just because I have had opportunities and resources to learn from that others havent. The silencing of free thinking and suppression of education has existed in the US for a while now. I know where I am currently most people dont even get reliable internet or have cell phone signals specifically because the monopoly of broadband access limits these resources to targeted populations of poor Americans. Instead of assuming everyone is ignorant purposefully, maybe its time yall start questioning the systems that enforce this ignorance in the first place.


you didn’t have a map at your high school? not a single world map? no globes? no atlases? not a single one?

americans aren’t ignorant abt geography bc they aren’t getting spoonfed it. they’re ignorant because they don’t give a shit about any countries other than theirs. i’m not babysitting a bunch of ignorant leftist americans because they never bothered getting any more education than was handed to them.


And then American go mad if somebody don’t know every state


It’s apparently a very controversial take, but you can actually do both. Yeah, the system sucks and that’s an important fact and a valid argument. It’s true that many people struggle because they never had the access to the right resources and because the system is very flawed and in a desperate need of some changes. That said, though…. 

There’s the kind of information that is hard to access and verify, even if you have the Internet, but the map of the world is… not one of these things. You don’t even need to have the Internet access to see the world map, you can go to the library. 

And it’s perfectly fine to don’t know something, I personally always sucked at geography because I have memory issues that often mean that I forget information very quickly unless I make an effort to make sure that I won’t forget it. I might study the world map many times and I’ll still mix up some countries especially if they are similar in size and next to each other. That happens. There are a lot of countries in the world. It just means that I should try harder. 

And it’s one thing to have poor education because of your social economic situation or because of the flawed system but it’s another thing if you gleefully announce that you don’t even know about some country’s existence while simultaneously getting offended that you’re being called ignorant for that very reason if the whole thing happens ONLINE, so clearly said person could easily spend those 5 seconds that it takes to google Belarus and educate themselves instead of telling people that ‘hey, until now I had no idea your country even existed!’. 

And at some point most adults reach this moment when they realize that the education they received was lacking and that from now on it’s on THEM to educate themselves and do better. And I think it’s a pretty universal thing, whether you got good education or not there is always more to learn. It’s human and normal to don’t know everything. It’s understandable that your knowledge is lacking if the education system failed you. But it’s different if you loudly and proudly ADMIT that you are ignorant and instead of doing something about it (when you clearly have some resources) and then proceed to get OFFENDED when someone recognizes that you are ignorant. Because at this point you are making the choice to be ignorant. 

I know that Americans can’t relate, but as someone from Poland I hear “I never heard about Poland” A LOT. And it’s not a very pleasant thing to hear and even if that’s true then I’d much prefer if people kept it to themselves instead of telling me, directly or indirectly, that they know nothing about my culture and not only wouldn’t find my country on the map (or even gesture in its vague direction if I showed them the world map) but wouldn’t even know that it is, in fact, a country that exists

And it’s especially exhausting when you get that from people who will never understand or appreciate the fact that the reason why you can even communicate with them in the first place is because you had to learn their language and know at least some basics about their culture and politics. Which takes time, energy, money and an insane amount of dedication. And many of us also don’t get any of it from school (because hey, shocking new! system kind of sucks everywhere!), we have to get out of our way to actually learn all of that. And in English-speaking Internet spaces it is practically EXPECTED FROM US that we know about American politics, life, culture, struggles, all while in return you will hear “Belarus? Poland? Is that even a real country?”. 


thank you for that last addittion and putting it into words. the issue I think we most have with the original comment isn’t bc the person doesn’t know belarus exists but their attitude about it (and also the rest of the comment bc I’ve seen it in its entirety and let me tell you it only goes worse from that first sentence). like, you know. I think for most of us the first reaction for when we hear there’s sth happening in a country we can’t place on a map is to go “shit how do I not know about it???” and Google it, not throwing a tantrum about how our ignorance is the fault of shitty education bc hey surprise US of A is not the only country with shitty education and YET!!!

Source: yutrzenka

while we're on it

an example of internalized misogyny: a woman calling other girls dumb sluts and claiming she's not like most girls according to misogynistic stereotypes

not an example of internalized misogyny: a woman not liking a fucking war criminal that happens to also be a woman


is. is this about Taylor Swift??


depends on whether or not taylor swift is a war criminal I guess

Source: death2america

About Xie Lian’s kneeling statue


The kneeling statues people built to vent their anger towards Xie Lian wasn’t a complete fabrication by the author, but had historical precedents. Some real historical figures in ancient China also had the “honour” to have kneeling statues built for them, and perhaps the most famous ones are the kneeling statues of Qin Hui and his cronies in front of the Temple of Yue Fei:


(on the right are the kneeling statues of Qin Hui and his wife)

Qin Hui was a politician in the 12th century, and was remembered in history books as the villain who was responsible for the persecution and execution of Yue Fei, one of the most admired and venerated military generals in Chinese history. Yue Fei and his army gained many victories in repelling enemy forces from the North and successfully defended the nation, but all his victories eventually came to nothing because of his death at Qin Hui’s hands and Qin Hui’s betrayal. For this, Qin Hui is regarded by later generations as corrupt and treacherous, and a traitor to the nation.

I visited the kneeling statue of Qin Hui in Hang Zhou when I was a kid, and it left a pretty big impression on me. Everyone knew better than to ever touch the statue because people would spit on it as a gesture of contempt, despite signs put above the statue forbidding visitors to do so.

A statue in a kneeling position is especially humiliating because kneeling could be seen as a form of punishment for sinners with no dignity. And that’s why kneeling statues are made for traitors to the nation, the worst kind of villain there could be in ancient China. Loyalty and devotion to the nation was regarded as one of the highest virtues in ancient China, and betrayal to the nation is correspondingly seen as the worst possible crime.

So basically Xie Lian received the worst kind of humiliation that is reserved for traitors to the nation. I guess Xie Lian was also seen as a kind of traitor because he betrayed the undoubting trust that the people of Xianle put in him. So yeah, poor, poor Xie Lian.

this hurts xie lian heaven official's blessing tgcf novel tgcf

"remember! the citizens arent at fault its the israeli government!" nah fuck them hos too if they were real ones theyd leave lmao like nobody is forcing ppl to colonize palestine and its not like its a settler colony thats 500 years old where none of the original colonizers great great grandmas are even alive. but like the 72 year old grandma living there chose to be there. just please use your brains and think about why palestinians are being displaced and who is replacing them. like u forreal got people from new jersey living in other peoples homes in israel.

stop portraying this as some like hapless accident where the adult colonizers stumbled onto the land as an oopsies. israeli citizens are responsible for palestinian oppression. american and british citizens are also responsible, for the record. our tax dollars fund palestinian oppression and thats a big reason why we must support their liberation. our culpability within this oppression demands action. not stupid ass feel good posts making sure people dont feel guilty for actively contributing to genocide. there are bigger things to worry about lol

Source: uselessheretic

the cognitive dissonance displayed in some posts about palestine by white americans etc is absolutely fucking astounding. i really really need you to understand that the horrific genocidal process of land expropriation we are witnessing in sheikh jarrah is how all of israel was settled, how every settler colony was established, and that that violence and theft are ongoing not just in occupied palestine but where you live. in the united states and canada and australia and new zealand and new caledonia and french polynesia and the french antilles and and and. and that if you don’t understand settlerism, the ideology behind it and the mechanisms through which it is enacted; if you do not see the material connection between standing rock and gaza, you cannot be effective allies to palestinians because you do not actually understand what is happening in palestine. that the dispossession and murders have an end goal, and it is the establishment of a colonial state that looks like yours. of a country where natives don’t exist, or exist in such minuscule numbers that large scale resistance becomes impossible. the end goal is annihilation. what appears like “senseless” brutality does have a purpose, and it is a purpose that is fundamentally incompatible with the existence of palestinians. and when you see pictures and videos from jerusalem, you need to remember that the land you are standing on was and continues to be settled through the same processes. not so that you can feel useless guilt, not to derail from the urgency of the situation in palestine; but specifically so that you can contextualize the genocide of palestinians and where it fits in the colonial timeline. so that you can understand talks of two state solutions and nuance and “both sides” the same way you understand manifest destiny and unceded land and one-sided treaties. and so that you can finally develop an internationalist political approach to indigenous struggle and liberation and imperialism, and start fighting the correct enemies where you live in the belly of the beast, because that is what you have to offer and what will help colonized people everywhere.

Source: lgbtmazight

“In 1984, when Ruth Coker Burks was 25 and a young mother living in Arkansas, she would often visit a hospital to care for a friend with cancer.


During one visit, Ruth noticed the nurses would draw straws, afraid to go into one room, its door sealed by a big red bag. She asked why and the nurses told her the patient had AIDS.

On a repeat visit, and seeing the big red bag on the door, Ruth decided to disregard the warnings and sneaked into the room.

In the bed was a skeletal young man, who told Ruth he wanted to see his mother before he died. She left the room and told the nurses, who said, “Honey, his mother’s not coming. He’s been here six weeks. Nobody’s coming!”

Ruth called his mother anyway, who refused to come visit her son, who she described as a “sinner” and already dead to her, and that she wouldn’t even claim his body when he died.

“I went back in his room and when I walked in, he said, “Oh, momma. I knew you’d come”, and then he lifted his hand. And what was I going to do? So I took his hand. I said, “I’m here, honey. I’m here”, Ruth later recounted.

Ruth pulled a chair to his bedside, talked to him

and held his hand until he died 13 hours later.

After finally finding a funeral home that would his body, and paying for the cremation out of her own savings, Ruth buried his ashes on her family’s large plot.

After this first encounter, Ruth cared for other patients. She would take them to appointments, obtain medications, apply for assistance, and even kept supplies of AIDS medications on hand, as some pharmacies would not carry them.

Ruth’s work soon became well known in the city and she received financial assistance from gay bars, “They would twirl up a drag show on Saturday night and here’d come the money. That’s how we’d buy medicine, that’s how we’d pay rent. If it hadn’t been for the drag queens, I don’t know what we would have done”, Ruth said.

Over the next 30 years, Ruth cared for over 1,000 people and buried more than 40 on her family’s plot most of whom were gay men whose families would not claim their ashes.

For this, Ruth has been nicknamed the ‘Cemetery Angel’.”— by Ra-Ey Saley



She’s 60 now, she’s still doing activist and advocacy work, and working on a memoir.



She published her book November of 2020


even all the way in dallas, gay men in the late 80s/early 90s said her name with reverence.

Source: another-bondi-blonde