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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

Obsessed with him


dr karl based as hell


Dr Karl is a fantastic science educator – like Australia's Bill Nye – and I'm delighted that others can discover him now.


oh my god is Dr Karl seriously on my dash rn holy shit I'm so glad the world is getting to know him I love listening to him on the radio he's the best

Source: theocseason4

Marvel Comics #1000: We’re Calling Him Ben



I feel this is an important addition. He saves so many people on a regular basis that this just keeps happening. And he feels so much for his uncle that the answer is always the same.


…. This hits different when you realise he’s canonically Jewish


Can you please elaborate ? I’m curious as to what it means


You can read a pretty good summary of it here, but as (most likely) Ashkenazi Jews, PP probably follows the minhag (custom) that says “that by naming a newborn child after a deceased loved one, the soul lives on through the child.” (Quoted from the site linked above.) And given how his Uncle Ben died, it just makes it all the more sadder tbh.


another fine distinction is that the soul isn’t thought to be reincarnated, it’s that the memory of the loved one is kept alive and more good deeds in life can be inspired by (and thus partially attributed to) the dead. ‘may their memory be a blessing’–the memory of the deceased is honored, respected, and who they were is retold as inspiration to the next generation. 

ben’s memory is a blessing. that’s extremely jewish. spiderman is inspired not just by the shame of his death, but by the moral teachings he’d given peter in life. and his name given to these babies is another part of it: babies named in spiderman’s honor are also very honestly and truly named in his honor, and continue to be blessings to the world. 

it’s very joyous, i think. very sweet.  

Source: maxximoffed

And he looks



The man has the legs for it honestly





we stan a legend


reblogging for the last part (and also he DOES have the legs for it)


that story is total bullshit and has no source. not one interview with mark bryan mentions this supposed workplace harassment situation. he literally just started wearing skirts and heels because he likes them, its not that deep.

can we stop acting like men need some kind of “gotcha” reason to wear dresses and skirts?? constantly trying to make up some kind of justification for a guy wearing a skirt just helps uphold the shitty idea that clothes are gendered and that people like mark bryan are some kind of mystical outlier for literally just wearing the clothes they want to wear


He actually stated in this interview (2020 in the Süddeutsche Zeitung) that he began wearing high heels because he got bored of wearing suits/ formal clothing.

He said that a friend commented on his legs which would look great in skirts so he decided to give it a try. That’s the whole story.


This website makes me insane



Tumblr makes my head hurt. He still looks fantastic though.


Dude has two -TWO - reasons for wearing skirts and heels. His left leg and his right leg. If you got it, WORK it.

Source: feminine-duck25
“Landlord finding any reason not to give a security deposit back 🥺🥺
I had a landlord try to pull this shit with me over a $2600 deposit. I took over 200 pictures of the...

Landlord finding any reason not to give a security deposit back 🥺🥺


I had a landlord try to pull this shit with me over a $2600 deposit. I took over 200 pictures of the house on move out, so anything she said was broken i had a picture ready to prove her wrong. My roommates were cowards and wanted me to back down. I ended up sending her a certified letter threatening to sue her for treble damages if she didn’t return the deposit.

I ended up getting the full deposit back

Do not be a doormat for these bastards. You have rights. Fight them and you can win


Carpets usually only last 5 - 7 years in rental units, due to general wear. Usually, landlords cannot charge you if your carpet is 5+ years old. (I don’t know if this differs from state to state, so check it yourself.)

You can also ask for an itemized invoice for each individual thing they want you to pay for, especially if you moved out years ago and collections is pursuing you.

Apartment complexes often change property management companies and their standing staff is usually incompetent. So it’s probably likely they will be unable to itemize or provide an invoice.


^^ good tip here

Stay savvy my friends

Source: internetdumpsterfires

I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again but it is absolutely an example of civilizational inadequacy that only deaf people know ASL

“oh we shouldn’t teach children this language, it will only come in handy if they [checks notes] ever have to talk in a situation where it’s noisy or they need to be quiet”


My mom learned it because she figured she’ll go deaf when she gets old


My family went holiday SCUBA diving once, and a couple of Deaf guys were in the group. I was really little and I spent most of the briefing overcome with the realization that while the rest of us were going to have regulators in our mouths and be underwater fairly soon, they were going to be able to do all the same stuff and keep talking.


The only reason some form of sign language is not a standard skill is ableism, as far as I can tell.


For anyone interested in learning, Bill Vicars has full lessons of ASL on youtube that were used in my college level classes.

and here’s the link to the website he puts in his videos:


“I’ve been a massage therapist for many years, now. I know what people look like. People have been undressing for me for a long time. I know what you look like: a glance at you, and I can picture pretty well what you’d look like on my table. Let’s start here with what nobody looks like: nobody looks like the people in magazines or movies. Not even models. Nobody. Lean people have a kind of rawboned, unfinished look about them that is very appealing. But they don’t have plump round breasts and plump round asses. You have plump round breasts and a plump round ass, you have a plump round belly and plump round thighs as well. That’s how it works. And that’s very appealing too. Woman have cellulite. All of them. It’s dimply and cute. It’s not a defect. It’s not a health problem. It’s the natural consequence of not consisting of photoshopped pixels, and not having emerged from an airbrush. Men have silly buttocks. Well, if most of your clients are women, anyway. You come to male buttocks and you say – what, this is it? They’re kind of scrawny and the tissue is jumpy because it’s unpadded; you have to dial back the pressure, or they’ll yelp. Adults sag. It doesn’t matter how fit they are. Every decade, an adult sags a little more. All of the tissue hangs a little looser. They wrinkle, too. I don’t know who put about the rumor that just old people wrinkle. You start wrinkling when you start sagging, as soon as you’re all grown up, and the process goes its merry way as long as you live. Which is hopefully a long, long time, right? Everybody on a massage table is beautiful. There are really no exceptions to this rule. At that first long sigh, at that first thought that “I can stop hanging on now, I’m safe” – a luminosity, a glow, begins. Within a few minutes the whole body is radiant with it. It suffuses the room: it suffuses the massage therapist too. People talk about massage therapists being caretakers, and I suppose we are: we like to look after people, and we’re easily moved to tenderness. But to let you in on a secret: I’m in it for the glow. I’ll tell you what people look like, really: they look like flames. Or like the stars, on a clear night in the wilderness.”

What People Really Look Like

Source: jumbleofnotes