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Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

y’know, it’s been a while since I made this reasonably popular post about how my abuse was the fault of my abuser and my society, not the fiction she used as an excuse.

But I want to talk a little bit more about how I came to that realization, because it wasn’t easy, but it was extremely important to how I conceptualized what happened, and what systematic abuse means.

During and immediately after the abuse - as in, for a little more than a year after we’d broken up and I moved away - I hardcore blamed Twilight for what happened. She called herself the lion to my lamb, she called herself a vampire and said she couldn’t resist me, she…. basically LARP’d twilight at me (and yes, even then, when it wasn’t terrifying it was hilarious). Of course it was Twilight that made her like this, she’d all but explicitly said so. She compared her emotions to Edward’s on the regular; of course Twilight was normalizing those emotions for her. Everyone thought Twilight was romantic so of course she thought things like stalking and controlling me were romantic! I was so sure. I never harassed people, but it’s part of why I chose to study media in college; to analyze unhealthy relationships in media and try to get abusive content recognized as harmful.

And then, almost two years after leaving her, I started talking on tumblr about her, on my main. Just a little, a few stories, comparing her actions to those of a character in a webcomic and pointing out that casting those as romantic is why I’d gotten abused. How she’d talked about twilight’s romance and some of her more distinctive and awful behaviors.

And then I got a message. “Was her name *****?”

It was.

“She did those things to me too. But she said it was like iron man. Like, she was tony stark, and I was pepper potts who has to put up with all of this to save her from herself.”

I hadn’t known, until that moment, that there were others.

There were a lot of others.

We reached out to a few of her other close friends / closeted ex’s. Same story, different fandoms. And then we looked at her college, gently reached out to the person she’d dated freshman year.

The same story again, shifted to accommodate whatever fandom we shared with her, twisted to make her actions look romantic. After me it was another girl, summer after we broke up, 50 shades. Her college boyfriend, it was Steve and Bucky. Over, and over, and over, stories changed only in details, and each one she used fandom to cast herself as the tragic hero and us as the ones who had to save her, who should see her abuse as an expression of how much she loved us.

There were so many of us, and she’d used fiction on us all. She’d used it, like a tool, jammed into whatever gap in our armor she could find.

I can’t…. explain, how I felt then. I found all this out in the course of a couple weeks. An isolated incident of someone who loved me and who I loved, whose relationship had gotten twisted by a romance novel, turned into a story of intentional and systematic abuse. I hadn’t realized how much I was using Twilight to avoid fully blaming her until I couldn’t do it anymore. Until I had to fully face the fact that she’d been lying to me, she’d been abusing me, and she knew that she had to make me think it was ok somehow. She’d known it was wrong. She wasn’t brainwashed by Edward stalking Bella; she wanted to stalk me, and she used Edward as an excuse.

When I say “abuse is the fault of the abuser”, I don’t mean in just a pure metaphysical, “everyone’s responsible for their own actions” kind of way. I mean that abusers start with their abusive behavior, and then fill in whatever behavior and excuses they have to to justify it to themselves and their victims. Maybe it’s media. Maybe it’s substance abuse. Maybe it’s past abuse that they suffered. Maybe it’s some psychology mumbo-jumbo about projecting past trauma onto you. Maybe it’s mental illness. Maybe it’s anything.

I had thought - I thought that maybe she was a good person, underneath it all. That media had twisted her. That it Twilight has just been different, she would have been different. I thought media made her think it was ok.

There is a unique kind of pain in realizing that someone you loved chose to hurt you. There is something that changes you, to realize that they wanted to take an action, realized it would hurt you, and then looked around their life like a handyman looking for a tool: “what would make this ok?”

Abusers choose to hurt you. They know that their actions will hurt you, and they choose to do it anyways.

Everything after that is an excuse.

Source: shipping-isnt-morality

Anonymous asked:

How expensive are beans in america? How cheap is meat?? Like, I agree veganism is expensive but if you reduce meat you will save money 100% in my country. Like compare supplements to meat price but whenever I see people comparing meat and vegetables it sounds more like an excuse. But I'm from europe so maybe things are different there? Or am I missing something?

is-the-owl-vid-cute answered:

It’s because people who make these arguments are often missing the big picture and just putting the price of a banana next to the price of a steak.

It isn’t that meat itself is super cheap and beans are obscenely priced, it’s that if you have to go out of your way to avoid any animal products you usually have to make your own meals, or find specialty items.

No one is going to live off of just apples and oranges (I’ve tried before when money was tight, it doesn’t work, you can eat seven apples and still feel hungry, and ultimately you will pass out), meaning a lot of the direct comparisons are misguided. I can buy a cheap TV dinner and get more nutrition than I will spending the same on a pack of quinoa. Pizza is also pretty much dirt cheap, not to mention fast food, which is sadly the only option in certain areas unless you’re privileged.

If you go through and buy onions, garlic, carrots, potatoes, and rice, yes you can make a nice meal out of that. But it requires that you have your own kitchen, and that you have enough time to cook regularly enough to sustain yourself. This is not an option for everyone. Even if it was, those will absolutely cost you more than most processed food that isn’t explicitly vegan.

Without meat, eggs, fish, or dairy available, you have a lot of nutrition to make up for in your diet as well. You will generally need a higher volume of plant-based products than you would animal products or a mixture of both to get the same nutrients.

It’s generally a complicated matter, but the prices of any restricted diet will add up immensely, especially if you have allergies that further limit what you can eat. It’s not realistic to expect every single person to be able to do this, and people shouldn’t be shamed for what they eat frankly.


It’s true that both sharks and Shark Week get a bad rap, but we’ll take any excuse to highlight these phenomenal fishes!⁠ 🦈✨⁠

This shark’s name is as cute as it is! Lollipop catsharks, Cephalurus cephalus, have large heads and gills, which may help them absorb oxygen in low-oxygen environments. This individual was filmed in the Gulf of California at 707 meters (2,320 feet) deep. ⁠In the Gulf of California, these sharks are often found with their cousins, the filetail catshark, Parmaturus xaniurus. The two species may be difficult to tell apart from a distance, when individuals are small, or when P. xaniurus uncharacteristically has its gills expanded in low oxygen environments.⁠

Source: mbari-blog

i hate the misconception that millennials (and younger generations) don’t care about outdoor activities like hiking, gardening, etc, or nature as a whole, and that all they care about is their phones. so many young people have told me they wish they could do an activity they loved and enjoyed in their youth, but their schedule is packed and when they get home they’re exhausted (and for friends who work late, the sun has been down for hours). young people care, but young people are tired


Those spaces are also just less accessible. More and more natural spaces are becoming property, closed off to the public entirely or costing fees. Parks and other similar public spaces have become outright hostile to people, especially disabled and elderly people, through hostile architecture and "anti-loitering" measures.

I live in a hugely green area, and yet I don't feel safe exploring any of it because almost all the land here is private property and "trespassing" on it could get me fined, arrested, or killed by a trigger-happy asshole with a shotgun.

The world we live in was not designed for us.

Source: todaysbird

Little Mac, shuddering as Incineroar affectionately rubs against him: Why is this weird cat man obsessed with me? He’s been following me ever since the fight with Ken

Samus, as Pikachu stands on her shoulder: Mac, that’s a pokemon. It’s probably like that cause you’re its trainer.

Little Mac: I’ve never trained a cat. Although there was that one little black and red cat I used to take care of back at the gym

Pokemon Trainer: You…mean a litten?

Little Mac: I don’t know. The little guy was so small when I first took him in. He didn’t even grow until we started feeding him and taking him out for walks in the grass.

Pokemon Trainer: Yeah, that’s what Pokemon do. It’s their evolution. And the final evolution of Litten is…

Mac looks up at the buff cat, looking into his eyes now

Little Mac, on the verge of tears: Jalapeño?

Source: pajamazam