Arena is a British television documentary series, made and broadcast by the BBC since 1 October 1975. Voted by TV executives in Broadcast magazine as one of the top 50 most influential programmes of all time, it has produced over six hundred episodes directed by, among others, Jana Boková, Nigel Finch, Mary Harron, Vikram Jayanti, Adam Low, James Marsh, Leslie Megahey, Volker Schlondorff, Martin Scorsese, Julian Temple, Anthony Wall, Leslie Woodward, and Alan Yentob.
The current series editor is Anthony Wall, who has edited Arena since 1985.
The arts strand Arena was initially created in 1975 by the BBC Head of Music & Arts at that time, Humphrey Burton, when he founded a magazine named Arena exploring art, design, filmmaking, and theatre. In 1977, under producer and director Leslie Megahey, the strand divided into Arena Theatre and Arena Art and Design, and Arena became less of a magazine and more a home for short, distinctive and stylish films about mainly British theatre and visual arts. In 1978 Megahey became editor of Omnibus and Alan Yentob, who had been supervising Arena Theatre, took over and the two themes were merged. The series, relaunched in January 1979 and renamed simply Arena, began to adopt a format of single subject essays. It earned great critical acclaim for its enthusiasm for the popular as well as the high arts. During Yentob's time as editor, Arena had six BAFTA nominations and three BAFTA awards.
Standing now without a care,
so far away from home.
By myself you don't know where,
The tide marked alone.
All my dreams could not prepare for what would soon to
standing there without a care, that's when you came
*Chorus X2*
You're in my arms, you don't even know me.
I don't know you, I want you to show me.
I don't need to know where this is going.
I'm falling,I'm falling, I'm falling for you.
Let us make a quick get away, so we might be alone.
Getting late no time to waste. There's so much to
Something rare is in the air, to real to be ignored.
It's as if the hands of fate have brought you to my
*Chorus X2*
We use ourselves, we shed our clothes.
We share our coats, we bear our souls.
We lose ourselves, we shed our clothes,
we share our fears, we bear our souls.
With a sun of time has come.
For now you have to go.
Not quite sure what I sure I should say.
I stumble with the words.
As I watch you turn away and walk on out the door,
in my heart I hope and pray there will be more.
*chorus X2*
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