The Global Urbanist

News and analysis of cities around the world


Popular Articles

  1. Sustainable is not enough: a call for regenerative cities
  2. Smart cities and the plight of cultural authenticity
  3. Fast facts on the Dharavi redevelopment
  4. How street vendors and urban planners can work together


  • East Asia
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Recent Headlines

Buenos Aires has one of the smallest rates of green space per capita, and what's left is under threat of commercial development. Neighbourhood groups are leading the fight to defend them, but with so many battles to wage, might the government's divide-and-conquer strategy be winning out?

Following the release of his book Capital Cities: varieties and patterns of development and relocation, Vadim Rossman explains the trends and motivations behind a phenomenon as common as it is misunderstood.

In the third of a series of photo essays from Women in Informal Employment: Globalizing and Organizing, Carlin Carr explores how workers in Bangkok’s informal economy came together in a collective movement to advocate for their labour rights.


A Brief History of Big Plans for Tokyo Bay

Next Tokyo 2045 is a new plan for Tokyo Bay to relieve the pressure on the Japanese capital. But in reality, the city has been gradually encroaching on the Bay for centuries.




The Draw of Difference

Looking at the recent transformation of Williamsburg in New-York, Julia Borowicz questions the perceived authenticity of trendy post-industrial neighbourhoods. She invites us to look beyond the aesthetic, and understands what makes attractive spaces.



Planning in Baghdad: how conflict shaped the city

After spending over six years conducting research on urban planning in Iraq, Sebastian Schulz and Niran Banna explore how war and terrorism turned a once-cosmopolitan city into a divided metropolis.

Most Discussed

  1. What do pop-up shops and homelessness have in common?
  2. Four keys to urban expansion at the World Urban Forum
  3. How can we enforce the right to adequate housing?
  4. America's informal settlements: the campers of San Francisco
  5. The criminalisation of homelessness and informal settlements in US cities

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Integrated planning
Roads and traffic
Water, waste and sanitation

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Anshan, Liaoning

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The Global Urbanist is an online magazine reviewing urban affairs and urban development issues in cities throughout the developed and developing world.

Its readers are drawn from the urban policy and international development sectors, and include urban planners, officers in local, national or international government agencies, civil society leaders, and researchers.

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