If we want to protect the right to vote, we need to suspend this arcane Senate rule.

Lead Stories

Israeli settlements have made a viable Palestinian state impossible. Finding a new path to peace in the Middle East.

Asian Americans have been experiencing increased racial trauma. Mental health services provide the path to healing.

On the 100th anniversary of the Tulsa Race Massacre, we are finally confronting our history.

Jim Wallis

The American Recovery Plan, which lays out a bold and significant investment in the fight against COVID-19 and which has been passed by the House and is now in the Senate, is all three. It addresses the deep inequities of suffering from the pandemic including the racial and wealth disparities, meets immediate and urgent needs of the moment, and is supported by an overwhelming majority of Americans.

Jim Wallis
Founder and Ambassador
Jim Wallis is a New York Times bestselling author, public theologian, speaker, and international commentator on ethics and public life.
Current Issue:
July 2021

Sojourners Magazine

From our guest humor columnist.
Deep Economy
Attacks on science are dangerous.
The untenability of the two-state paradigm necessitates a shift in our thinking.
by Youth Theology Network

With our various ecclesial voices, Christians must reclaim Christianity in the public square – urgently. And we must recruit our youth to help us, before they give up on Christianity entirely. Can we engage with Christianity’s unfaithful past in America and those who still embrace it? Can we prepare youth to embody Christianity in ways that lead to social change?


This sermon was edited from a message delivered Aug. 25, 2019 at Christ Church Cathedral in Indianapolis.


This sermon was edited from a message delivered Aug. 26, 2018 at Metropolitan AME Church.