Who do politicians represent? What is their place and function in our society? How does this affect the way they talk to us?
Announcing an exciting new issue of Imagine, quarterly journal of our comrades in the Socialist Party of Canada!
In the 1950s there arose the myth of America as a ‘middle-class society.’ How has this myth developed since then? What relation does it have to reality?
What is the significance of the mass movement of social protest? A powerful and moving commentary from the group Internationalist Perspective.
The United States is in the midst of a massive social movement against police violence and racism. As socialists we support this movement wholeheartedly and without reservation.
Why is Trump reopening the US economy — and forcing Mexico to reopen its economy too — when the pandemic is still on the rise?
We are subjected to constant demands to keep smiling. Why?
Opinion polls suggest that the younger age groups in the United States – colloquially referred to as ‘millennials’1– are much more open to socialist ideas than their elders. At least the taboo that used to surround the word ‘socialism’ is rapidly disappearing. The figures are quite striking. A poll conducted in April 2009 found that […]
Mark Fishman, associate professor of sociology at Brooklyn College, City University of New York, investigated routine news production by examining the work practices of reporters and other news workers. His research findings were published by the University of Texas Press in 1980 in a book entitled Manufacturing the News. At the beginning of his book, […]