Synthesis Report of the Sixth Assessment Report

A Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change


The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is currently in its Sixth Assessment cycle, during which the IPCC will produce the Assessment reports of its three Working Groups, three Special Reports, a refinement to the Methodology Report and the Synthesis report.  The Synthesis Report (SYR) will be the last of the Sixth Assessment Report products, due for release in 2022 in time to inform the 2023 Global Stocktake by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change  as mandated by Decision 1/CP.21 . 2023 is when countries will review progress towards the Paris Agreement goals, including the goal of keeping global warming to well below 2°C while pursuing efforts to limit it to 1.5°C.

The Synthesis Report of the Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) provides an overview of the state of knowledge on the science of climate change, emphasizing new results since the publication of the Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) in 2014.

It is fully based on the reports of the three Working Groups of the IPCC, as well as on the three Special Reports on Global Warming of 1.5°C, on Climate Change and Land, and on the Ocean and the Cryosphere in a Changing Climate. It provides an integrated view of climate change as the final part of the AR6.

The AR6 Synthesis Report document will consist of two parts: 
(a) a Summary for Policymakers of up to 10 pages and
(b) a Longer Report of up to 50 pages.

It will be published as a stand-alone publication in the six official UN languages. IPCC Procedures for the preparation, review, adoption and approval of the SYR can be found here.

The SYR outline was agreed at the 52nd Panel Session of the IPCC in February 2020.  


Since the IPCC was created in 1988, there have been 5 Synthesis Reports:

The AR6 Synthesis Report will be based on the three Working Group contributions to the AR6  as well as on the three Special Reports prepared in this assessment cycle. 


Synthesis Report

AR6 Synthesis Report: Climate Change 2022

September 2022
Special Report

Climate Change and Land

August 2019
Special Report

Global Warming of 1.5°C

October 2018
Load More


To support the Synthesis Report writing process, the SYR TSU organizes various meetings including Core Writing Team meetings. The Core Writing Team (CWT) is the group of authors who are preparing the Synthesis Report.

The IPCC Bureau at its 58th Session in May 2020 selected the members of CWT from the author teams of the three IPCC Working Groups and the three Special Reports, reflecting balance in geographical distribution, gender, and representative of a range of expertise.

The list of 30 Core Writing Team authors and 9 Review Editors can be found here. The CWT also includes  the Chair, the IPCC Vice-Chairs, the Working Group Co-Chairs, the heads of the Working Group and Synthesis Report Technical Support Units, and the Secretary of the IPCC.

Lead Author Meetings

Informal meetings on the AR6 Synthesis Report

September 1, 2020

Forthcoming meetings

  • SYR – AR6 Core Writing Team Meeting 2 (CWT-2)
    (16-20 August 2021, virtual)

  •  SYR – AR6 Core Writing Team Meeting 3 (CWT-3)
    (4-8 April 2022, location to be decided)

  •  SYR – AR6 Core Writing Team Meeting 4 (CWT-4)
    (19-23 September 2022, Geneva, Switzerland)

  •  SYR – AR6 Approval Session
    (26-30 September 2022, Geneva, Switzerland)


Press Release

IPCC reschedules report approval sessions

GENEVA, May 28 – The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has rescheduled next year’s approval sessions for the Working …

May 2021
Press Release

IPCC advances work on final product of upcoming assessment report

GENEVA, 25 Jan – The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) opened a week-long virtual meeting of experts on Monday …

January 2021
Press Release

IPCC announces Synthesis Report Core Writing Team

Reissued on 13 August 2020 to include the role of ex-officio members in the Core Writing Team. Reissued on 22 …

July 2020

IPCC to hold first virtual Bureau meeting

Reissued on 18 May to correct the definition of Working Group II GENEVA, May 18 – The Intergovernmental Panel on …

May 2020
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IPCC Chair

The IPCC Chair leads the Core Writing Team.

Hoesung Lee

IPCC Chair

TSU Staff

The Technical Support Unit (TSU) of the Synthesis Report of the AR6 is mandated to plan and manage the writing process of the SYR, including arranging author meetings, assisting the author team while drafting the SYR, ensuring quality control of the SYR and ensuring compliance with the IPCC Processes and Procedures and Panel decisions. The TSU SYR is established under the responsibility of the Chair of the IPCC.

The SYR TSU is located in Seoul, Republic of Korea and financially supported by the Government of the Republic of Korea.

Noëmie Leprince-Ringuet

Head of SYR TSU (Based in France)

Jinmi Kim

Director of Administration (Based in Republic of Korea)
Korea, Republic of

Yonghun Jung

Senior Scientist (Based in Republic of Korea)
Korea, Republic of

Robert Stavins

Science Advisor to the IPCC Chair and SYR TSU (Based in USA)
United States of America

Scientific Steering Committee

At the 58th Session of the Bureau (Electronic session, 19-20 May 2020), the Chair established a Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) for the Synthesis Report (SYR) of the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) to support the development of the SYR. The SYR SSC comprises the whole IPCC Bureau, excluding those members who serve as Review Editors to the SYR.


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