Submit to BUST




Got a great story or a great story idea? Something you're so passionate about that you've just gotta share it with the world? Then don't just sit there, woman! Submit your story to BUST!


Stories or story ideas can be emailed to

Please include the following information in your submission:
Full Name
Email Address
Mailing Address
Day and Night Phone Number


If you're emailing your submission, please send it as an attachment. If you're mailing your submission, please note that submissions will not be returned.


If we're interested in running your piece, we'll get back to you about it, probably within two to three months. If we aren't, we won't. Unfortunately, due to the volume of submissions we receive, we will not get back to you if we decide not to use your idea. Please don't take it personally: it's just that we are woefully understaffed here at BUST HQ.


BUST does not accept poetry. Sorry.


If you are submitting a story idea rather than a story, please also send us clips of your previous writing.


Does your brilliant idea fall into one of these handy categories? If so, please specify the section when submitting:


Stories in this department focus on pop culture personalities, news, and views important to women. Here's where we write about that amazing performance artist or that awesome project or grassroots org, and indulge in shameless she-ro worship. Submissions should be 250-350 words long.


Real Life
Cooking, crafts, home, health,
here's where we explore all the ways we do that everyday voodoo that we do so well. Do you have a cool skill? Are you qualified to instruct our readers on how to buy or use something they've always wanted? (Stereo, sewing machine, the Elephant Man's bones, etc.) Fancy DIY inventions and household tips can also be sent to the attention of this section! Submissions should be 250-350 words long.


Calling all glamazons! For fashion, beauty, and style coverage without that bitter, elitist after-taste, there
's nothing more refreshing than the BUST "Looks" section. Fill us in on all your fave new designers, trends, and products here. Submissions should be 250-350 words long.


Around The World in 80 Girls
What makes your hometown the BUST-iest place on earth? For this ongoing series, we
're looking for writers who can dish all the insider dirt on the best grrrl-friendly hotspots their home turfs have to offer. From large cities to small towns, if you have a great take on what makes your hood a shangri-la for she-travelers, take some snapshots and show us why or just tell us where you live and what kind of destinations you plan on covering and we'll put your pitch on file. Submissions should be 1000-1500 words long.


Do you have an idea for a reported feature that's
feminist, sexy, smart, funny, surprising, and generally doesn't suck? If so, then send us a pitch detailing exactly what you'd like to write about, what sources you have access to, and what your credentials are, and we'll let you know if your story works for us. Submissions should be 2,500 words or less.


The BUST Guide
Decisions about what new stuff to include in the book, movie and music review sections usually happen well in advance of the release dates of these titles, but if you are somehow on the inside track and can get your hands on something you love before the rest of the world has seen/heard/read it, then let us know! Reviews should generally be 150-250 words long and it
's always a good idea to check out old issues of BUST to get a feel for our review style.


Sex Files
Sex toys, sex enhancing products, and porno guides for grrrls are some of the titillating topics covered in this sassy section. We invite all you brazen hussies out there to strut your stuff here for the erotic edification of frolicsome feminists everywhere. Submissions should be 250-350 words long.

Think you can inspire a little self-directed friction with your erotic fiction? Then send your smutty stories to the attention of this section where hotness rules and cliche drools. Submissions should be approximately 900 words long.

