Poptarts is a twice-monthly podcast hosted by BUST Magazine editors Emily Rems and Callie Watts that celebrates women in pop culture. The first half of each episode is devoted to a hot topic in entertainment, and in the second half, a segment called "Whatcha Watchin'?," Callie and Emily dig into all the shows, movies, books, music, videos, and podcasts they've enjoyed since the last episode, and either praise or pan each experience.

We’ve been making our show free to all for the last three years and we plan to continue offering free versions of every episode with ads going forward. But for those of you generous enough to subscribe to us at Patreon, we have great thank-you gifts cooked up on five different donor tiers, ranging from show notes with links to what everyone has been watching for the last three years, to exclusive episodes, to personal RSS feeds where you can access ad-free versions of the show. And for bigger spenders, we’re offering zoom chats with Callie and Emily, care packages of BUST swag, digital BUST subscriptions, and other sweet surprises.

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