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The house price boom possibly has another 18 months to run

Property boom tipped to continue into 2022

Sustained house price rises are likely for at least the next 18 months, but there are many factors that make forecasting particularly difficult.

  • by John Collett

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Property must be exempt from CGT to qualify for super downsizing rules

Noel Whittaker
Noel Whittaker

Downsizer contribution rules permit up to $300,000 from each spouse to be contributed to superannuation from the sale proceeds of a jointly owned house sale.

Complex superannuation recontribution rules explained

George Cochrane

If you do not have a pension account, you can withdraw any non-preserved benefits from your super accumulation fund and recontribute it, subject to the amount you had in super at the previous June 30.

Super still trumps cash in retirement savings

Noel Whittaker
Noel Whittaker

You are probably better off leaving retirement savings inside super, where they could earn more than 5 per cent a year, rather putting them in a term deposit offering lower interest rates.


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