Your Daily Horoscope for Thursday, June 3

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Your Daily Horoscope for Thursday, June 3

By Dadhichi Toth


March 21- April 19

You have a lot more support from relatives and co-workers during this current cycle. Combine forces with them to make an even greater impact. You’ll need this because your willpower may be somewhat weakened as you surrender to an old habit or vice. Your spiritual values collide with others as you start to question life more. This influence will make you less energetic. You must also be careful, as you might be more aggressive than usual. As far as your relationships are concerned, expect good things.

Every star sign on love, career and more.

Every star sign on love, career and more.Credit:iStock


April 20-May 20

Your finances aren’t as bleak as they at first appeared. This concern may even cause you to push a lot harder to achieve the success that you know is rightfully yours. Today the focus seems to be on finances. You may need to wait a while before getting seriously involved with someone. Don’t fall for sweet words. You could be effective in coordinating your activities with others, but want to do things your way. You are too charitable believing someone’s promise is forthcoming. You should be more cautious.


May 21-June 21

There is an opportunity to recharge your worn-out batteries. Step aside from psychic vampires who may be the cause of these experiences. There may be one person, in particular, giving you a hard time. Apart from these difficulties, it’s likely to be a creative day. You’ll make some interesting and intuitive connections. Try to look into alternative ways to enhance your day. Commitments made are hard to keep now. If you’re not involved in a love relationship now but would like to be, there’s no better time to start.



June 22-July 22

Social pressures and responsibilities are welcome because you’d rather a little tension and boredom now. Sexual relationships are also exciting, but you’re advised not to act on crazy impulses. Become acutely aware of your financial needs as any oversight will lead to trouble. As long as you don’t go trying to help everyone, all will end well. Opinions will change and rapidly at that. These wacky planetary combinations. There are ways and means of moving forward without going crazy yourself.


July 23-August 22

Your energies are daring, but perhaps a little abrasive. Maybe you don’t need to talk about your feelings right now. The reason for this is because there’s a mutual understanding that goes beyond the limits of language. You and your partner can foster a better connection out. Working smart means using these intuitive connections to pool your resources with others. This will be a less daunting task if you can do so. You must find a way to aggregate your power and resources now.


August 23-September 22

You ultimately know what you must do. You’re in a perfect position to grab the success you seek now. In a professional sense, you’ve got some great things going for you. Passionate encounters for singles are also likely. Don’t blow initial romantic feelings out of proportion. You have a genuine desire to learn and improve yourself. This will accelerate your success. You’ve overlooked some pertinent fact in some negotiation. It will appear that forces outside your control have placed you in the position you’re in. You still have the power to change things.


September 23-October 22

You find yourself frustrated by not being able to do anything practical for those in need. You must begin with your immediate circle of influence. You can’t save the world, but you can do your little bit where possible. While you’re investigating psychological issues, this fact may be more pronounced. Don’t let it mess with your head though’ You need to conquer your inner fears at the moment, especially if a bigger and better position is offered. Don’t underestimate yourself. You’re in a better position than you think’


October 23 – November 22

You may be brain fatigued right now. For this reason, every hour or two get up, move around and take a few deep breaths. Stretch your muscles as well. You could be paralysing yourself at the computer for hours on end. It’s time to re-evaluate your work practices. This will have a stabilising influence on your life. You want to eliminate emotional fluctuations. A spirit of cooperation is necessary. You don’t need to exert as much energy as you think. Currently, your family is important to your well-being.


November 23-December 20

It’s quite okay to get verification before signing on the dotted line. Listen carefully to what’s said so you don’t trip yourself up. While your attention is on it, fine-tune your resume, touch up your image and take time to advertise yourself. There could be an investment opportunity. Be yourself, especially when dealing with work matters. A job interview, or some other key contact for furthering your professional life, requires a refocus. Be mindful of what can and can’t be done at this time.


December 21-January 19

Reconsider some of the significant events in your life that have led up to your current situation. What you’re saying is not being heard, or could simply be misinterpreted. You need to step back and remain objective in every area of your life. This is more significant domestically. It’s easy to let the day-to-day affairs distract you, especially in your most intimate affairs. Try to open yourself up to new energies around. Don’t Be afraid to step outside your comfort zone, but at the same time, know when to pull back.


January 20-February 18

You will make inroads by being more creative. You need to correct people where they are wrong. Your intuition has been sharp lately, so you are right in your assessments. If something isn’t comfortable, let others know about it. You might be annoyed if the place chosen for a gathering or fun time falls short of the mark. Make sure you check beforehand so that you’re a step ahead of those problems. Consistency between thought, word and deed are essential to get the most out of your current opportunities.


February 19-March 20

A good dose of creative expression is the perfect antidote to stress. If you’re respectful and express gratitude to others, new doors will be opening to further this creative spurt. You’re prone to act erratically in your relationships, however. Even if you make a great point and back it up with facts, it doesn’t necessarily mean that people will buy your particular brand of truth. You want to conduct business at home. It’s a competitive marketplace, so you must be quick off the mark to capitalise on your ideas.

For more horoscope readings visit 9Honey. Horoscope readings provided by Dadhichi Toth,

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