Want to make your skincare more eco-friendly? Go waterless

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Want to make your skincare more eco-friendly? Go waterless

By Kate Lancaster

Turn over the pack of any beauty product, and you’ll find the ingredient used in the highest concentration included first on the list. Nine times out of 10 you’ll encounter water (or ‘aqua’) at the top as the largest percentage of the formula – which likely wouldn’t make you think twice, right? Despite living in a consistently drought-ravaged country, water still feels abundant; it flows from our taps, so why wouldn’t we expect to see it in our serums?

But not too long ago, prolific TV adverts prompted us to consider our water usage and ‘go slow on the H20’, until at some point our communal resolve towards water conservation seemed to dry up. Maybe we thought the easing of local water restrictions indicated aquatic equilibrium, but according to UNICEF, water insufficiency is still a critical concern. In fact, if the current situation continues over the next decade, water deficiency is likely to become our number one global environmental threat.

The concept of ‘waterless beauty’ originally started in South Korea.

The concept of ‘waterless beauty’ originally started in South Korea.Credit:Getty

As a booming $683 billion global market that remains heavily reliant on water, the beauty industry has a lot to answer for. While many brands have joined the sustainability crusade – offering refillable or recyclable packaging, or improved visibility over just how that plant extract made its way into your moisturiser – our waning liquid resources haven’t garnered the same action. But a lack of public discourse hasn’t diluted the problem, and experts warn our position is increasingly urgent.

“Water will become one of the most valuable commodities going forward as it becomes more difficult to access,” says Kiera Flynn, sustainability manager for L’Oréal Australia. “This will become specifically relevant for poorer countries [and] if we do nothing, two thirds of the global population will live in water-stressed areas by 2030.”

The rise of waterless beauty

Waterless beauty products aren’t a novel concept, having first cropped up several years ago in South Korea with the aim to increase the potency of skincare products. It stands to reason that without using water as a cheap filler in a formula, the active ingredients could be included in greater quantities and therefore deliver better results to the skin.

Natassia Nicolao: For every Sea Our Beauty product sold, a mangrove tree is planted in the buyer’s name.

Natassia Nicolao: For every Sea Our Beauty product sold, a mangrove tree is planted in the buyer’s name.

Ironically, the idea to create a completely waterless beauty brand came to 27-year-old Natassia Nicolao while she was in the shower. “I was thinking about the days when we used to time our showers and water conservation was top of mind,” she recalls. “I did some research, before realising that we’re actually living in a global water crisis – which made me feel silly, because how could I not know that? But we just aren’t talking about it.”

The facts she found might’ve been foreboding, but Nicolao realised the issue was far from common knowledge. Having graduated with a degree in biochemistry, Nicolao was managing the operations for a major Australian beauty and wellness company at the time. After examining each stage of a beauty product’s life cycle, Nicolao realised water was the common denominator present throughout every aspect of a supply chain – from growing and extracting the ingredients used in the formulas, to the physical manufacturing and transport.


Nicolao’s completely waterless beauty brand Sea Our Beauty officially launched last month and is the first beauty member globally to join The Water Footprint network which follows a zero waste philosophy for its entire product lifecycle, with only recyclable, compostable, and biodegradable materials that are consciously compact in size.


For Nicolao, the aim was to create something that could not only positively impact the planet, but also really benefit the skin.

Is water really benefiting our skin?

Eliminating water negates the need for preservatives such as parabens and formaldehyde, which are included to extend the shelf life of a product and stop bacteria forming. “You only need preservatives when there’s moisture, so if you take water out of a beauty product, you’re left with the active ingredients – and that’s why we’re buying beauty products in the first place,” says Nicolao.

There’s a pervasive belief that having water in the formula of your beauty products provides better hydration for the skin, but Dr. Dennis Gross MD, a dermatologist and founder of Dr. Dennis Gross skincare, says its inclusion has more to do with water-soluble ingredients – such as hyaluronic acid and niacinamide – needing a little help with delivery.

“Most ingredients come in the form of powders that need to be dissolved into liquid,” he says. “If the ingredient is water-soluble, the water in the formula will dissolve it so that it can effectively penetrate the skin.” For this reason, Nicolao deliberately omitted ingredients that are dependent on water. “We chose anhydrous actives – ingredients that aren’t water soluble – to ensure our formulas can remain free from water,” she explains.


In fact, many experts claim the water we use on the outside of our skin can actually be detrimental to it. “Over the last decade, the quality of water we consume and use to cleanse our skin and bodies has become more saturated with calcium, metal and mineral runoff. This increases our exposure to free radical damage, which breaks down collagen production and can lead to irritation,” says Dr. Gross. “‘Hard water’ – or water with elevated levels of calcium – causes an unnatural chemical reaction to the skin’s oils, altering the consistency from liquid to wax, which clogs the pores and results in breakouts.”

That isn’t to say that you can’t use tap water to wash your face, but Dr. Gross recommends shielding your skin from the effects of hard water by enlisting products that will create a protective barrier. “Be sure to use a cleanser with chelators and products with antioxidants such as vitamin C, E, sea buckthorn, ferulic acid and bearberry,” he advises. “Chelators work by encapsulating calcium, which prevents it from coming into contact with skin and getting into pores, while applying antioxidants regularly will reverse the effects of toxins and revive our natural collagen production.”

If you’re really ready to commit, you could consider installing a shower filter, which has become an increasingly popular option amongst celebrity beauty advisors. These filters are specifically designed to strip any impurities from hard water, with the promise of less irritation, shinier hair and clear skin. “These days, it is difficult to find water that is 100 per cent pure, [but] using a filtration system and avoiding excessive showering will help to limit your exposure,” says Dr. Gross.

Protecting a precious resource

While agile indie brands can implement change relatively swiftly, corporate giants with expansive global operations require more time to roll out water conservation efforts. As the largest cosmetics company in the world, L’Oréal has been steadily adjusting its water quantity in recent years. “This is not only transforming our business, but also the way in which our consumers use beauty and respect the water scarcity issue,” says Flynn.

L’Oréal began working with Swiss environmental innovation start-up Gjosa back in 2015, with the partnership resulting in a new showerhead that dispenses shampoo directly from the device helping to reduce water and energy consumption by 70 to 80 per cent.


But in order to make lasting change, the impetus also needs to lie with each of us. While we’re familiar and vocal about other industry-related eco-issues – such as single-use plastic and packaging – we need to start placing more importance on water usage, through both the companies we choose to support and incremental lifestyle changes in our own lives.

“When I first told people about the concept for Sea Our Beauty, they told me that consumers wouldn’t care enough about water shortages to purchase waterless products,” recalls Nicolao. “But we’re not creating something just so someone will purchase it – we’re trying to create a movement.”

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