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Global approach to vaccination will deliver long-term dividends

Global approach to vaccination will deliver long-term dividends

Resources committed today to combat COVID-19 will deliver a healthy return in years to come.

  • The Age's View


Osaka case needed a nuanced approach

Osaka case needed a nuanced approach

To make press conferences voluntary – at the tennis or more widely where they are currently mandatory – would be a mistake.

How Crown has met social responsibilities is what really counts

How Crown has met social responsibilities is what really counts

Is the casino operator a good corporate citizen or does it pursue profit without concern for the social costs?

  • The Age's View
It’s too soon to write off Netanyahu

It’s too soon to write off Netanyahu

A new Israeli alliance might be able to move the country out of its political paralysis, but Benjamin Netanyahu could yet prevail – and Palestinians are unlikely to hold much hope for their cause regardless of who wins.

  • The Age's View
Lockdown extension is painful but necessary

Lockdown extension is painful but necessary

The state government is right to keep the strict restrictions in place, but there must be federal assistance for those who are left without the ability to pay their bills.

  • The Age's View
There’s more the Coalition can do to improve our relations with New Zealand

There’s more the Coalition can do to improve our relations with New Zealand

For one thing, the Coalition should re-examine its policy of deporting criminals who, while born in New Zealand, have no real connection to that country.

  • The Age's View
Failures in vaccine rollout painfully obvious in aged care

Failures in vaccine rollout painfully obvious in aged care

The Age accepts that the federal government cannot force residents to be vaccinated, but its messaging has not reflected the urgency and necessity of keeping people in aged care homes safe.

  • The Age's View
Investors, courts say the transition to renewables is no longer optional

Investors, courts say the transition to renewables is no longer optional

Australia has the natural resources and technological knowhow to become a global leader in sustainable energy and to leave our fossil fuels in the ground forever.

  • The Age's View
These are the days to ensure we keep well physically and mentally

These are the days to ensure we keep well physically and mentally

In years to come, Victorians will remember these days of lockdown as a strange and difficult disruption to the rhythms of daily life.

  • The Age's View
Outbreak exposes flaws in Victoria’s virus game plan

Outbreak exposes flaws in Victoria’s virus game plan

Much more of the state’s response has been right this time, but there is further work to do.

  • The Age's View
Canberra must do everything it can to improve nation’s quarantine system

Canberra must do everything it can to improve nation’s quarantine system

We need purpose-built facilities and we need well-enforced national standards for quarantine hotels.

  • The Age's View