Solo show fails to enthral

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Solo show fails to enthral

By Jill Sykes

Sydney Opera House Studio, May 26

Angela Goh is expressionless throughout, giving the impression of deep thought.

Angela Goh is expressionless throughout, giving the impression of deep thought.Credit:Zan Wimberley

Angela Goh moves slowly, very slowly, across a glaringly white performance space. She walks, she crawls. She repeats a move, then does it again. For a few minutes short of an hour. This gives the audience every opportunity to admire the astonishing plasticity of her body and her control over it. Every detail demands attention.

She spins – slowly – on one knee, one buttock, her shoulders, even a bend in her torso. She is close to a contortionist at times in propelling her body back and forth. Or just padding on the spot on her hands and knees

Throughout, she is expressionless, though giving the impression of deep thought. And, indeed, she has written at length about the background to the piece in program notes. They indicate far more than the movement she offers in this solo work commissioned by the Sydney Opera House.

Everything is pared down. She wears faded blue jeans, a simple black top and heavy-duty joggers. “Colour” is provided by lively electronic music, composed and played behind the scenes by Corin Ileto. Plus an inadvertent but delightful intrusion of bright red underpants peeping out over the black trousers of the stagehand as he bent over to clear away the spill of orange juice that was part of the performance.


Angela Goh won the 2020 Keir Choreographic Award for a 20-minute version of Sky Blue Mythic. Not having seen it, I can’t make a comparison. But the greater length, without interesting developments to note, does not appear to have been an advantage – at least, not for the audience.

Until May 29

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