Huni to snub pre-Olympics Boxing Australia camp in United States

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Huni to snub pre-Olympics Boxing Australia camp in United States

By Adrian Proszenko

Justis Huni’s very different path to the Olympics will again diverge from the norm when the heavyweight contender skips a high-altitude training camp in Colorado that Boxing Australia has organised for the rest of his Tokyo teammates.

Huni will take on Christian Tsoye at the International Convention Centre in Darling Harbour on Wednesday night in a bout that will be witnessed by a small contingent of media representatives. Should he get through unscathed, Huni will return to the same venue to fight Paul Gallen in just three weeks’ time.

It is a preparation unlike that of any of his Olympic opponents, and it will also be different to that of his Australian boxing teammates. Boxing Australia had planned to take the six-member squad to Denver from June 9-30 for a training camp. The rationale was to expose the team to high-altitude training, as well as arranging a series of sparring sessions.

However, Huni will forgo the build up due to the increased risk of contracting the coronavirus in the United States. The 22-year-old also has doubts about the available sparring options, which traditionally include boxers they will ultimately face during Olympic competition.

“I won’t be going,” Huni told the Herald. ”They were looking at trying to get me over to the training camp after [the Gallen fight] in the US, but for us that’s not the best option.

“At the end of the day, the health of the athletes is what matters. This sport is always going to be around, but your health is the most important thing.

Justis Huni is taking a very different path to the Olympics.

Justis Huni is taking a very different path to the Olympics.Credit:Getty Images

“We’re from Australia, we should train in Australia [during COVID]. You go over there and fight [other Games opponents] and give all your secrets away. You head over to the Olympics and they will already know how you fight, they would have already experienced you in the ring.”

Huni’s father and trainer, Rockie, said that even if it meant his lifelong dream isn’t realised, Huni won’t be joining the Australian training camp.


“For me, my son’s safety comes before anything else,” Rockie Huni said. “I know that he’s young and fit, but I just don’t need the headaches with me being over here worrying about him contracting COVID. I’ve got to make sure he’s safe, that’s all.”

Earlier this week, Australia’s Olympic skateboarding preparations were thrown into chaos after three members of the team, including a 13-year-old athlete, tested positive to COVID-19 after travelling to the US for a qualifying event.


Another Australian boxer, light-heavyweight Paulo Aokuso, has also made the decision not to join the four other members of the squad for the Denver camp. Boxing Australia coach Kevin Smith said he respected their decisions.

“It’s not compulsory, Smith said. “Nobody is going to prepare as they would have done in normal circumstances. Justis is in a different circumstance. We fully support what Justis chooses to do. We are comfortable that he will be ready to be successful.”

Tsoye has enjoyed a decorated amateur career, but is rated a 14-1 outsider. If he prevails, Huni will enjoy strong support against Gallen despite the fact he is a Queenslander.

“I walk around the city, we’re in NSW, and people here want me to knock Gallen’s head off,” Huni said. “I thought people here would want to see my head get knocked off.”

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