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Super & retirement

End-of-financial-year essentials for SMSF trustees

End-of-financial-year essentials for SMSF trustees

As the end of the financial year approaches, it is a good time for trustees to do an annual check-up on their Self-Managed Super Fund.

  • by John Maroney


Borrowing to fund a land-lease community home comes of age

Borrowing to fund a land-lease community home comes of age

The ability to borrow to buy a new home in a land-lease community provides people with greater flexibility about how and when they will downsize to retire.

  • by Rachel Lane
Property must be exempt from CGT to qualify for super downsizing rules

Property must be exempt from CGT to qualify for super downsizing rules

Downsizer contribution rules permit up to $300,000 from each spouse to be contributed to superannuation from the sale proceeds of a jointly owned house sale.

  • by Noel Whittaker
Do your sums carefully before tapping equity in your home

Do your sums carefully before tapping equity in your home

There are three main ways to release property equity – sell the house and downsize, take out a reverse mortgage or embrace a home equity release scheme.

  • by Noel Whittaker
Complex superannuation recontribution rules explained

Complex superannuation recontribution rules explained

If you do not have a pension account, you can withdraw any non-preserved benefits from your super accumulation fund and recontribute it, subject to the amount you had in super at the previous June 30.

  • by George Cochrane
Why super reforms might give retail funds a leg-up

Why super reforms might give retail funds a leg-up

An industry super fund has been named by researcher Chant West as its Fund of the Year every year since the awards began nine years ago. But two elements of the government’s latest reform package might change this scenario.

  • by Charlotte Grieve
Super still trumps cash in retirement savings

Super still trumps cash in retirement savings

You are probably better off leaving retirement savings inside super, where they could earn more than 5 per cent a year, rather putting them in a term deposit offering lower interest rates.

  • by Noel Whittaker
How to preserve your retirement income after an inheritance

How to preserve your retirement income after an inheritance

Managed funds may be the answer to generate retirement income after loss of the age pension.

  • by George Cochrane
New-look work test opens opportunities for older retirees

New-look work test opens opportunities for older retirees

Retirees aged 67-74 will soon be able to make after-tax contributions to superannuation on the same terms as those applying to individuals under age 67.

  • by Noel Whittaker
Push to 12 per cent super still up in the air

Push to 12 per cent super still up in the air

Even though the rise in the super guarantee to 12 per cent is already legislated, whether it actually comes to pass is another matter.

  • by John Collett
How to boost your tax refund by stuffing cash into super before EOFY

How to boost your tax refund by stuffing cash into super before EOFY

Now is a great time to think about ways to either minimise this year’s tax bill or turbocharge any tax refund you may be owed.

  • by Jessica Irvine